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1 vote

Volt Tackle is a quite strong move of Pikachu and Raichu can use it too. So is it a signature move of Pikachu?


4 Answers

2 votes

Yes, it is a signature move of the Pikachu evolution line. But don't forget that Pichu can use it too.

And Raichu! Zap Plate-boosted Volt Tackle from Jolly Raichu OHKOs 4/0 Primal Kyogre. That's some crazy stuff :0

EDIT: Completely missed the OP mentioning Raichu. Imma leave this here anyways to show the power of Rairai to the world.
1 vote

First, Yes

and to get volt tackle you need a female Pikachu holding the Light Orb (an item that doubles the attack and sp. attack of a Pikachu when held) and breed it with a compatible male. How do you get a Light Orb? any wild Pikachu has a 5% chance of holding a Light Orb. if the first Pokemon in your party has compound eyes ability, i.e.

Butterfree Venonat Yanma Nincada Joltik Galvantula Scatterbug Vivillon

then the odds go up to 50%

and experience

edited by
0 votes

Yes. This is filler because yes is not a long enough answer.

0 votes

It is the signature move of that evolutionary line
