I didn't say superior. I said split And also, the actual screen talks about how things changed in gold and silver and says that moves that have residual effects do not affect Pokemon of the same type. As for this being hard for you to believe that RBY pros who use cartridges knew about it all along, isn't it harder to believe that a body slam spamming /Chansey, Snorlax, Tauros heavy meta game would take twenty years to realize that not one body slam was paralyzing? Again, this is just a split. I can't imagine this coming up in conversation between the two groups, and from a quick poll of my RBY players, they claim to never use simulators. There is a rift. I'm not arguing. It's clear I'm a different classification of player from the other frequent question answerers. Just because I point out the differences doesn't mean I'm claiming to be better. I just prefer it because it's more challenging and there are prizes and titles to be won, as well as less hacked mon. Some people still have Pokemon in their parties from gen 3.