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moves like Splash. If they have a chance to, I mean it can actually hit and do nothing, even of the Pokemon is not resistant to that type.


1 Answer

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Hold Hands
Helping Hands(if used in a single battle)
Protect (if Feint is used or if user goes last)
Detect(if Feint is used or if user goes last)
Spiky Shield (if Feint is used or if user goes last)
Kings Shield (if Feint is used or if user go last)
Sucker Punch (if opponent moves first or uses a non-damaging move)
Any recovery move(if user has full hp)
Substitue(if user does not have enough HP)
Bide(if user took no damage)
Counter(if user did not take physical damage)
Mirror Coat(if user did not take special damage)
Snatch(if opponent did not use a stat altering move)

>Belly Drum does nothing if user's HP is below 50%
Nature Gift does nothing if no berry is held. Same for Belch.
Ally Switch fails in singles
Aromatherapy/Heal Bell do nothing if nobody in the team has status
Baton Pass fails if user cannot switch out/has no partners left to switch out to
Trick/Switcheroo fails if neither Pokemon hold an item.
Bestow fails if opposing Pokemon already holds an item
Psyche Up does nothing if target and user have the same boosts
Disable fails if one if the target's moves is already disabled
Follow Me does nothing in singles
Focus Punch does nothing user is hit while preparing it
Haze does nothing if no stats are changed
Imprison does nothing if the user and the target share no moves
Light Screen/Reflect/Safeguard etc fail if they are already up
Pain Split does nothing if both Pokemon have the same amount of HP
Destiny Bond does nothing if user doesn't faint to the attacker's move that turn
Heal Pulse fails if target has max HP
Recycle fails if user's item wasn't lost
Reflect Type does nothing if user and target have same type
Roar/Whirlwind do nothing if target cannot be switched out to a partner
Sleep Talk fails if user is not asleep
Spit Up/Swallow fail if no Stockpile boosts were accumulated
Synchronoise fails if the user and target don't share a type
Teleport fails in Trainer battles
Topsy Turvy does nothing if target has no stat boosts. Same for Punishment
Venom Drench fails if target is not poisoned
Last Resort fails if all other moves by the user have not been used once
Status inducing moves fail if target already has a status problem
OHKO moves fail if user is of lower level than the target
Weather setting moves fail if that weather is already up
Stat boosting moves do nothing if the stats they boost are already fully boosted
Similarly stat lowering moves do nothing if the stat they lower is already fully lowered
~ Qwerty_Zoom

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You forgot Celebrate :x
i forgot that was a move :v
Belly Drum does nothing if user's HP is below 50%
Nature Gift does nothing if no berry is held. Same for Belch.
Ally Switch fails in singles
Aromatherapy/Heal Bell do nothing if nobody in the team has status
Baton Pass fails if user cannot switch out/has no partners left to switch out to
Trick/Switcheroo fails if neither pokemon hold an item.
Bestow fails if opposing pokemon already holds an item
Psyche Up does nothing if target and user have the same boosts
Disable fails if one if the target's moves is already disabled
Follow Me does nothing in singles
Focus Punch does nothing user is hit while preparing it
Haze does nothing if no stats are changed
Imprison does nothing if the user and the target share no moves
Light Screen/Reflect/Safeguard etc fail if they are already up
Pain Split does nothing if both pokemon have the same amount of HP
Destiny Bond does nothing if user doesn't faint to the attacker's move that turn
Heal Pulse fails if target has max HP
Recycle fails if user's item wasn't lost
Reflect Type does nothing if user and target have same type
Roar/Whirlwind do nothing if target cannot be switched out to a partner
Sleep Talk fails if user is not asleep
Spit Up/Swallow fail if no Stockpile boosts were accumulated
Synchronoise fails if the user and target don't share a type
Teleport fails in Trainer battles
Topsy Turvy does nothing if target has no stat boosts. Same for Punishment
Venom Drench fails if target is not poisoned
Last Resort fails if all other moves by the user have not been used once
Status inducing moves fail if target already has a status problem
OHKO moves fail if user is of lower level than the target
Weather setting moves fail if that weather is already up
Stat boosting moves do nothing if the stats they boost are already fully boosted
Similarly stat lowering moves do nothing if the stat they lower is already fully lowered

Apart from this any move that misses does nothing.
Anything I missed here was prolly done on purpose :x
why wasnt that an answer
Didn't feel like it, just add it into yours (my javascript fails everytime I try these days >.<)