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Okay, one thing that is grinding my gears and destroying me from the inside, is the fact that Mewtwo is... not even Mewtwo. Everyone in my age, older and younger by some odd years HAS KNOWN WHO MEWTWO IS!!! A savage, clone of Mew, powerful, MANLY Pokemon. His voice gave us chills. He is the creator of cloned Pokemon (Mewtwo Strikes Back) and Ashes friend since Gen1.

But, yet, in this Genesect movie, Ash doesn't even know who Mewtwo is. As a matter of fact, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO MEWTWO IS. Who thought it was a great idea to show Mewtwo's protective, feminine side? They are basing these movies and new shows off of the games. The new generation wants to know why Ash and Pikachu are friends. How Ash is where he's at. By saying Ash and Mewtwo never met, is pretty much saying Ash just appeared in some random city with battling skills already.

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What if this Mewtwo was actually Mew? I mean think about it, Mew can turn into any Pokémon it wants, so it would make sense for it to turn into Mewtwo and then Mega Mewtwo Y

3 Answers

2 votes

enter image description hereThere is speculation on weather the Mewtwo in the first movie is the same as the one in the Genesect movie.

  • Some people say that it is the same one, but as it speaks though telepathy so it can make it's voice sound how it want's to in people's/pokemon's minds.
  • The other opinion is that it is a different Mewtwo altogether, created in Kalos or an unknown region the same way the original was, and that there are multiple Mewtwo's around the Pokeworld. The multiverse theory also comes into this.
  • There is also the strong theory that the anime and all the movies are not connected in any way with Ash and Co, and whatever happens in the movies doesn't affect the anime or other movies, and vice versa. This resulting to making Mewtwo be whoever it wants.
  • There is also things to do with the production company and voice actors, of which I've not looked into too deeply.
  • Oh, and the reason Ash does not remember Mewtwo is because Mewtwo wiped all of the events that happened to Ash and Company at the end of the first movie, resulting in no one knowing who Mewtwo is.

In my opinion, I think Mewtwo had a female voice because Mega Mewtwo Y has a more feminine look to it, so the producers decided to make it that way. As for the multiple Mewtwo's, I personally think that there is only one. Although most people seem to go with the fact that there are 2, or more.
mewtwo y

This is quite a long answer but I hope this helped :)

Sources: Two Mewtwo's exist/ Details of multiple Mewtwo, and mutiverse theory/ Discussion on the subject/ More discussion/ A search on google and many things come up about this.

Going by mewtwo returns ash should still know what a mewtwo is as his memories were only erased in mewtwo strikes back. We know that mewtwo returns mewtwo is the same as mewtwo strikes back mewtwo because mewtwo remebers the first movies events. What you say about the movies 1-19 not being connected could be true but ash has also proven himself to be very stupid remember ash forgetting almost all his lessons every new region.
Like pokemonfan794 said, the 'original' Mewtwo also appears in another film alongside all of the clones he created. without spoiling too much of the movie, Mewtwo grows to trust humans more and agreed to let Brock, Misty, and Ash to keep their memories that time as long as they promised to never speak of the incident or himself and his fellow clones. In the Genesect film, Ash acts a certain way upon seeing this other Mewtwo. Its almost as if he knows the pokemon itself but also has feeling its a different one entirely, he also remembers the promise he made so he doesn't say anything about it.

Due to Ash, Brock, and Misty being the only ones aware of the first ones existence, it's highly possible Giovanni attempted the experiment again only to fail from the same mistake, for even his memory was erased in Mewtwo Returns by Mewtwo. Other mad scientists could have tried to create a copy of mew as well, any existing records of the first were destroyed after all.

I know this may be a late response, but this is important to think about as well.
0 votes

This is to show off the new Mega Evolution, obviously. Mainly sort an advertisement of the changes introduced.

Also, it can be assumed that this takes place in an alternate universe on the whole. Funny, I know, but it explains how his age never changes.

Also, this has happened before, where Ash meets a Legendary once, but it is kind of forgotten, in a way. I guess that is to help with the story line. So as to the exact reason, should be better answered by the Pokemon Company, but this is what I feel.

All the originality is not lost though, as

>In the credits, a reference to the original Mewtwo is made when the Mewtwo in this film is shown standing on top of a building overlooking a large city at night. This is the same scene that the original Mewtwo last appeared in at the end of Mewtwo Returns.

from Bulbapedia

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The reason why Ash doesn't remember Mewtwo is because at the end of the first movie Mewtwo erases the events of everything that happened to Ash and Co, making him forget Mewtwo.
This is beautiful. I think you should answer this on your own, you may get the BA.
I've answered, hopefully people will find it useful :)
0 votes

I might be really REALLY late to this, but in case anyone else gets bored and sifts through the internet at random, I have an answer to this. Both the MewTwo we know and this new MewTwo are the same MewTwo and different MewTwo at the same time. What’s the one thing about MewTwo that fueled him? He was alone and didn’t have any sense of identity. What was he good at? Cloning. I genuinely think MewTwo cloned himself and the new MewTwo is the product resulting. It would also explain why the new MewTwo is stronger, his evolutions are always stronger than the originals. I hope this helps others.
