Preppin' a new team to test at my local Pokémon League next season, centered around Electivire. Ironically, he's the one I have the most trouble deciding on a set with. I've narrowed the field to (in order of preference):
Choice Scarf for speed.
Choice Band for power.
Lum Berry for free Swagger boosts.
The item will also determine his ability. Choice Scarf will come with Vital Spirit, while any other move will come with Motor Drive.
Here is his build:

Electivire@ ???
Motor Drive / Vital Spirit | Adamant
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Low Kick
- Ice Punch
- Wild Charge
- Earthquake / Rock Slide / Protect (Lum Berry)
The rest of the team is as follows.
@ Assault Vest | Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, filler
@ Safety Goggles | Overheat, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Protect
@ Sitrus Berry | Thunder Wave, Safeguard, Swagger, Foul Play
@ Venusaurite | Sludeg Bomb, Energy Ball, Synthesis, Protect
@ Focus Sash | Knock Off, Icicle Crash, Fake Out, Ice Shard
Please offer feedback for my poor, confused Electivire!