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After 4Kids stopped dubbing the anime most of the VAs were replaced. Which ones weren't or reprised the roles later?

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I know that Iris' Emolga kept her Japanese dub voice.
why are you so obsessed with Emolga .-.
and that was way after the change anyway lol
Almost every Pokemon (sorry porygon family) has been seen, so there's many voice actors. And there's also characters of the day, so there's gotta be at least 50 different voice actors. Please correct me if I am mistaken, but this would take  a lot of researching.
voices that didn't change/returned between season 8 and 9 aren't in big numbers, I'm just wanting to know characters that didn't get a voice change, and this doesn't count Pokemon, I just listed Pikachu in there for the heck of it.

2 Answers

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Best answer

The previous answer was flawed (and is now dated, with the return of a few more VAs), so I'm going to answer this with the correct list.

After the shift, archival footage of VAs was used for Pokémon (such as Bulbasaur), I won't be counting these, as that's not a case of a VA "returning", and they eventually changed anyway. The question wasn't about which VAs returned to the anime, but about which VAs stayed/returned to their characters they already voiced. Many VAs from the first 8 seasons have returned in some form at this point, but the vast majority do not reprise their old roles.

I'm going to start with VAs that left the dub before the shift, who then returned to their roles afterward:

-Rodger Parsons as the Narrator (Seasons 1-6, 9-Present)
-Megan Hollingshead as Nurse Joy (Seasons 1-6, 23-Present)

Next, the ones that were unaffected:
-Kayzie Rodgers as Jessie's Wobbuffet, Mime Jr., Mimey, among many other minor roles
-Carter Cathcart as Gary Oak
-Wayne Grayson as Lance*
-Andrew Paull as Steven Stone*
-Dan Green as original Mewtwo*

*These VAs left after Season 8 but returned in time to reprise their characters with no inconsistencies.
Also, Dan Green didn't voice Mewtwo in the first movie, only in Mewtwo Returns.

And those who left after Season 8 but returned sometime later:
-Mike Pollock as Raoul Contesta
-Ted Lewis as Giovanni


Bonus fact: Rachael Lillis' Goldeen and Jigglypuff are still heard in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate even though they've been replaced in the anime.

As this is a topic I'm very passionate about, I will try to keep this updated.

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All of these characters had the same voice actors from both 4Kidz and TPCi,

Gary, Jirachi, Macy, Sakura, Casey, Drew, Ash’s Glalie, Argus Steel, Grey, Dolan, Adam, Captain Stern, Noland, Maxie, Saturn, Ash’s Gliscor, Ash’s Pignite, Kidd Summers, Professor Carolina, Sheena, Cyrus, Morrison, Archie, Juan, Clay, Grings Kodai, Jessie's Wobbuffet; Iris's Axew, Alder, Red Genesect, Drayden, Charon, Shaymin, Daisy, Mars, Korrina, Flannery, Sabrina, Clemont's Chespin, Burgundy, Falkner, Rudy, Barry, Trip, Maylene, Jigglypuff, Lucian, Professor Proctor, Mary, Maria, Zero, Azure, Crispin, Bianca, Nurse Joy, Fantina, Rowena, Cedric Juniper, Koga, Ash's Scraggy, Marcus, Sir Aaron, Looker, Tate, Brawly, Cilan, Damos, Byron, Norman, Wattson, Chuck, Professor Birch, Emmet, Karl, Butler, Stephan, Don George, Sabrina's Haunter, Gastly, Gengar, Nincada, Stephan, Ash's Grovyle, May's Combusken, Tyson, Riley, Ingo, Sid, Rocko, Todd Snap, Pryce, Crasher Wake, Ash's Corphish, Lt. Surge, Bruno, Tabitha

Lance, Giovanni both have the same actor for the series however both have different actors for the Origins Movie

Thanks, I'm not sure who half of these guys are but that's fine by me! To be honest I asked this question because I couldn't figure out if Giovaani's voice actor changed or not, and Bulbapedia for once didn't have my answer.