I have no idea what my ingame Manectric's EVs are, and I was wondering if there would be any point in EV training it for Omega Ruby. But I need to know what its IVs and EVs are, and that's impossible to find out without a site like Pokecheck, but it's seemingly defunct now. So, if there is anything that works somewhat close to it?
Or does nothing of the sort exist?
The IV Checker is in the Battle Resort
You can find your EVs with a Reset Bag in Super Training See here
You're better off using a Calculator such as this and this
Well this is a way you can check your Manectric's EVS without using a site, in fact it's your own game! When you go to Super Training on your PSS, you can see your Pokemon's EVs. And to check IVs, there is an Ace Trainer in the Battle Resort PokeCenter that will check them for you.
Source: Experience Hope I helped!