This is my go-to team. Never had a hard time with it and had overall easy time destroying everyone.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze --> Speed Boost
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Claw (Psychic weakness coverage)
- Earthquake (Great STAB)
- Flamethrower / Blaze Kick (STAB)
- Sky Uppercut / Brick Break (STAB)
All moves here have 100% accuracy and will counter more than half of all Pokemon types, and still throw a hefty punch at the other types.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace --> Pixilate
Modest Nature
- Psychic (STAB)
- Shadow Ball (Coverage against Psychic, Dark and Ghost)
- Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam (STAB)
- Focus Blast (Steel weakness coverage)
This is by far the best moveset, and it will devastate anything thrown at her. Focus Blast has only 70% accuracy but oh my, when it hits, it hits hard.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate --> Aerilate
Hardy Nature
- Fly (HM/STAB)
- Steel Wing (Fairy weakness coverage)
- Dragon Claw (Dragon weakness coverage/STAB)
- Flamethrower (STAB)
This is my preference for a very powerful moveset and one I feel fits a dragon. Salamence has such high attacking stats, he will OHKO almost anything and destroy the highly favored Altaria by Speed and Attack alone. A good stand-in until you get Salamence is Latias/Latios since you get them easily before you get the HM Fly.

Ability: Intimidate
Hardy Nature
- Ice Fang (Coverage)
- Earthquake (Electric weakness coverage)
- Thunderbolt (Coverage)
- Surf / Waterfall (HM/STAB)
Gyarados has a higher physical Attack, therefore Ice Fang is stronger than Ice Beam. With this moveset, Gyarados can crush all the other types without having to use a Water HM slave for simply surfing. Waterfall is a good alternative if you want to utilize Gyarados' higher Attack.

Aggron @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy --> Filter
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide (STAB)
- Earthquake (Great coverage move)
- Aerial Ace (Fighting weakness coverage)
- Heavy Slam (Great STAB)
This guy is a walking tank simply put. With decent Attack and incredibly high Defense, it can take almost anything. With this moveset you will counter his biggest weakness (the Fighting type), and with his Mega Evolution it loses its Water weakness. Heavy Slam is its best move, as it does more damage the heavier the user -- and the guy weighs 800 lbs! Aerial Ace counters its Fighting type weakness and Rock Slide has a higher accuracy than Stone Edge, so it's best to hit more, as sometimes that's vital for Aggron.
Now, with the last Pokemon, I wasn't really sure. These five can pretty much hold their own and together punch back anything thrown at them. So this is my personal choice, feel free to use a Manectric or Magnezone but this choice is faster and when it comes to battles, the first punch is the best.

Pikachu @ Light Ball
Ability: Static
Lax Nature
- Grass Knot (Ground weakness coverage)
- Dig (Super effective against other Electric types)
- Brick Break (Great STAB)
- Thunderbolt (Duh)
Now hear me out. I know Raichu is better, but I prefer Pikachu. Yes, Manectric and Magnezone are stronger but Pikachu is faster. It can hit first and when it does, I make sure it's effective. Then there is the Light Ball that I found on Route 119 (I think) that boosts its Attack and Special Attack to rival Manectric and Magnezone. But again, that's just my preference. With this moveset, Pikachu will dominate its weaknesses and other Electric Pokemon.
Grass Knot is perfect for Pikachu as it deals more damage the heavier the target, and Pikachu is rather light. Dig deals with other Electric types and Brick Break is just a good move to deal with more difficult types like Steel. Thunderbolt is more accurate than Thunder and I'd rather be accurate.
This is my team. I've used said team in all generations (Thunderbolt for Gardevoir for the older gens) and my team destroyed everyone. I've never had a hard time and neither will you.
Now for HM slaves. You'll always need one till you face the Elite 4 and these are the three best, HM wise, to use:

Ability: Pickup
- Cut
- Strength
- Rock Smash
- Surf
When I learned this guy can pick up items during battle I immediately, on my next run through in Emerald, had four of them in my team as I trained Torchic and Ralts. Besides being fantastic HM slaves it's just nice to get Poke Balls, Potions, and even Rare Candies from them. Anywho, this is a good HM move set for Linoone to use.
Wait Linoone can learn Surf? That makes no sense. So can Aggron, and that makes even less sense, but Zigzagoon can be found right on Route 101.
If you decided your Water type should keep Surf:

- Strength
- Rock Smash
- Dive
- Waterfall
Wailmer is such a versatile HM slave. The Swiss Army knife of HM slaves, as Wailmer can learn all except Cut and Fly.
Now of course you can teach it Surf, but if you want your Water Pokemon to use Surf anyways without having to sacrifice other moves for HMs, then Wailmer is for you. Relatively easy to get with the Good Rod, he is the best for Water HMs.
Now let's say you don't want to use Latios/Latias as they are legendary and want to use a legit Pokemon to fly and don't want to use bird Pokemon. Then this one is perfect as it can use all other non-Water HMs:

- Fly
- Cut
- Rock Smash
- Strength
Another versatile HM slave that can easily be caught before you get the HM Fly.
A great replacement for Linoone and stand-in until your preferred flying Pokemon that are harder to get, like Flygon and Salamence.
And that does it for my best team for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. With the exception of Pikachu and the HM slaves, they can all Mega Evolve. Only a few of their moves don't have 100% accuracy but still have quite the power. With the movesets provided, you can deal with all Pokemon types you'll encounter and just devastate anyone.