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I am wondering what items there are for specific Pokemon.

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Arceus: Type Plates
Clamperl: Deepseascale/tooth
Pikachu: Light Ball
Chansey: Lucky Punch
Ditto: Metal/Quick Powder
Lati@s: Soul Dew
Farfetch'd: Stick
Cubone/Marowak: Thick Club
Genesect: Drives
Porygon2: Dubious Disc
Electabuzz: Electrizer
Magmar: Magmarizer
Feebas: Prism Scale
Dusclops: Reaper Cloth
Spritzee: Sachet
Porygon: Up-grade
Swirlix: Whipped dream
Happiny: Oval stone
Kyurem: DNA Splicer
Shaymin: Gracidea
Landorus/Tornadus/Thundurus: Reveal glass
Palkia: Lustrous orb
Dialga: Adamant orb
Then there's obviously the mega stones for each respective mega Pokemon.

I think that's all of them now.

It looks like you missed a few (unless I overlooked them).

Rhydon- Protector Seadra- Dragon Scale Feebas- Prism Scale Giratina-
Grisceous Orb Porygon2- Dubious Disc

And if you count these Kyogre- Blue Orb Groudon- Red Orb Rayqauza -
Jade Orb

commented 49 minutes ago by Sir_Mudkip (with additions from ShinyFire and ReadyAimFire)

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It looks like you missed a few (unless I overlooked them).

Rhydon- Protector
Seadra- Dragon Scale
Feebas- Prism Scale
Giratina- Grisceous Orb

And if you count these
Kyogre- Blue Orb
Groudon- Red Orb
Sir Mudkip, Rayquaza - Jade Orb
Correct me if I'm wrong.

And maybe all mega-stones count to? I don't know..