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Like the quick powder, for ditto.


4 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Quick Powder- increases Ditto's Speed when it is not transformed
Lucky Punch- increases Chansey's critical hit ratio by two stages
Stick- increases Farfetch'd's critical hit ratio by two stages
Soul Dew- 1.5 x Special Attack and Special Defense for Latios and Latias
Thick Club- Doubles Marowak and Cubone's Attack
Drives- Changes Techno Blasts Type (Genesect Only)
Light Ball- doubles Pikachu's Attack and Special Attack
Metal Powder- Increases Ditto's Defense and Special Defense when it is not transformed
Adamant Orb- Increases Dialgas Dragon and Steel type moves power
Lustrous Orb- Increases Palkias Dragon and Water type moves power
Griseous Orb- Increases Girintinas Dragon and Ghost type moves power
Deep Sea Scale- Doubles Clampearls Special Defense
Deep Sea Tooth- Doubles Clampearls Special Attack
Plates - Changes Arceus' Type and Judgments Type
Venesaurite - Mega Evolves Venusaur
Charizardite X- Mega Evolves Charizard
Charizardite Y - Mega Evolves Charizard
Blastoisite- Mega Evolves Blastoise
Alakazite- Mega Evolves Alakazam
Gengarite- Mega Evolves Gengar
Kangaskahnite - Mega Evolves Kangaskahn
Pinsirite- Mega Evolves Pinsir
Gyradosite- Mega Evolves Gyrados
Aerodactylite- Mega Evolves Aerodactyl
Mewtwonite X- Mega Evolves Mewtwo
Mewtwonite Y- Mega Evolves Mewtwo
Ampharosite- Mega Evolves Ampharos
Scizorite- Mega Evolves Scizor
Heracronite- Mega Evolves Heracross
Houndoomite- Mega Evolves Houndoom
Tyranitite- Mega Evolves Tyranitar
Blazikenite -Mega Evolves Blaziken
Gardivoirite- Mega Evolves Gardevoir
Mawilite -Mega Evolves Mawile
Aggronite- Mega Evolves Aggron
Medichamite- Mega Evolves Medicham
Manectite- Mega Evolves Manectric
Banettite- Mega Evolves Banette
Garchompite- Mega Evolves Garchomp
Lucarionite- Mega Evolves Lucario
Abomasnowite- Mega Evolves Abomasnow
Beedrillite- Mega Evolves Beedrill
Pidgeotite- Mega Evolves Pidgeot
Slowbronite- Mega Evolves Slowbro
Steelixite- Mega Evolves Steelix
Sceptilite- Mega Evolves Sceptile
Swampertite- Mega Evolves Swampert
Sableite -Mega Evolves Sableye
Cameruptite- Mega Evolves Camerupt
Sharpedoite- Mega Evolves Sharpedo
Altarianite- Mega Evolves Altaria
Glalite- Mega Evolves Glalie
Salamencite- Mega Evolves Salamence
Metagrossite- Mega Evolves Metagross
Latiasite- Mega Evolves Latias
Latiosite- Mega Evolves Latios
Loppunite- Mega Evolves Lopunny
Galladite- Mega Evolves Gallade
Audinite- Mega Evolves Audino
Diancite- Mega Evolves Diancie
Blue Orb - Primal Reverts Kyogre
Red Orb- Primal Reverts Groudon

selected by
That's alot, thanks.
1 vote

Deep Sea Scale - doubles Clamperl's Special Defense
Deep Sea Tooth - doubles Clamperl's Special Attack
Eviolite - 1.5 x Defense and Special Defense for Pokemon that aren't fully evolved
Light Ball- doubles Pikachu's Attack and Special Attack
Metal Powder- increases Ditto's Defense and Special Defense when it is not transformed
Quick Powder- increases Ditto's Speed when it is not transformed
Lucky Punch- increases Chansey's critical hit ratio by two stages
Stick- increases Farfetch'd's critical hit ratio by two stages
Soul Dew- 1.5 x Special Attack and Special Defense for Latios and Latias
Thick Club- Doubles Marowak and Cubone's Attack
Adamant Orb- Increases the power of Dialga's Dragon and Steel type moves
Lustrous Orb- Increases the power of Palkia's Dragon and Water type moves
Griseous Orb- Increases the power of Giratina's Dragon and Ghost type moves; converts Giratina to Origin Forme

Source: Bulbapedia

edited by
No prob!
1 vote

Soul Dew - Latios and latias
Light Ball- Pikachu
Lucky Punch- Chansey
Quick powder- Ditto
Metal Powder- Ditto
Deep Sea Scale- Clampearl
Deep Sea Tooth - Clampearl
Stick- Farfetch'd
Lustrous Orb- Palkia
Adamant Orb- Dialga
Griseous Orb- Giratina

Sure, anytime.
1 vote

Adamant Orb: Dialga
DeepSeaTooth : Clampearl
DeepSeaScale: Clamperl
Griseous Orb: Giratina
Light Ball: Pikachu
Lucky Punch: Chansey
Lustrous Orb: Palkia
Metal Powder, Quick Powder: Ditto
Soul Dew: Latia@s
Stick: Farfetch'd
Thick Club: Cubone, Marowak
Burn Drive : Genesect
Chill DriveGenesect
Douse Drive Genesect
Shock Drive: Genesect

Mega Stones
