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I'm basing a deck around the next destinies Mincinno and Cinccino, and Mincinno can call basic stage Pokemon to the bench, so I am looking for powerful cards to go with this. I have XY Tauros, Furfrou and Yveltal EX to go with this already. Dark and grass types would especially help, grass more than dark.

>Legal in the standard format (which I believe is next destinies onwards currently) without EXs, as I've looked through all of those and picked out what I want. Must be grass or dark type. Does that help?
commented 34 minutes ago by Lobster44

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You might wanna specify a particular expansion, like "powerful basic cards from Next Destinies" or something, because there waaaay to many strong basic cards and listing them will take someone's lifetime :P
Legal in the standard format (which I believe is next destinies onwards currently) without EXs, as I've looked through all of those and picked out what I want. Must be grass or dark type. Does that help?
On it :)

1 Answer

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Hope I helped!

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I'm adding the Absol and Plasma blast Genesect (already had the other one). Now it's just a case of what to replace, but I do have some that don't help much I can take out. Thanks alot :)
Add Dedenne to that list (I'm serious; 1 colourless for 2 attacks).
Also you need to watch out for Pyroar. I think Latias EX will help as well, if you have a lot of EXs in your deck. She'll counter Pyroar and Safeguard Suicune/ Sigilyph.
I have Yveltal EX, Venusaur EX and M Venusaur EX. Yeah, I need to watch out for Pyroar.
Oh Pyroar's ability doesn't work against Megas. Providing you can get your M-Venusaur out quick enough, Pyroar won't be too much of a problem.
I could add them; but he had asked for Grass or Dark types only, so that's all I listed :/
Should I list the Colourless ones too?
Colourless ones are viable in nearly any deck, so I would list them.