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Threats are Pokemon that perform well and need a counter or they will kill you.
When a Pokemon is a threat it will be kept in mind at all times a good counter

Yeah, so basically post a threat a counter and movesets.

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2 Answers

8 votes
Best answer

Offensive Threats


  • Geomancy + 3 Attacks counters and checks:
    Mega Mawile, Lugia, Klefki, Scizor, Bronzong, Mega Gengar, Arceus-Fire, Arceus-Poison, Metagross, Clefable, Chansey, Ho-oh, Mega Lucario, Aegislash, Jirachi, Victini
  • Geomancy + Substitute counters and checks
    Lugia, Arceus-Fire, Mega Gengar, Bronzong, Metagross, Scizor, Clefable, Ho-oh, Mega Lucario, Aegislash, Heatran, Victini, Jirachi
  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Arceus-Fire, Bronzong, Mega Gengar, Scizor, Mega Lucario, Metagross, Aegislash, Victini, Jirachi
  • Choice Scarf counters and checks
    Bronzong, Clefable, Scizor, Metagross, Ho-oh, Mega Gengar, Arceus-Fire, Klefki, Lugia, mega Mawile, Aegislash, Heatran, Jirachi, Victini
  • Calm Mind counters and checks
    Mega Mawile, Lugia, Scizor, Bronzong, Mega Gengar, Arceus-Fire, Arceus-Poison, Metagross, Clefable, Chansey, Ho-oh, Mega Lucario, Aegislash, Heatran, Victini, Jirachi


  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Aegislash, Arceus-Ghost, Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, revenge killers such as Genesect, Sableye, Spiritomb
  • MM2X Taunt + 3 Attacks counters and checks
    Arceus-Ghost, Arceus-Fairy, Klefki, Yveltal, Bronzong, Scizor, Sableye, Spiritomb Mega Mawile, Ho-oh / Landorus-T / Aegislash (depending on coverage)
  • MM2X Bulk Up counters and checks
    Klefki, Arceus-Ghost, Bronzong, Mega Mawile, Sableye, Spiritomb, Aegislash
  • MM2Y Taunt + 3 Attacks counters and checks
    Yveltal, Sableye, Spiritomb, Arceus-Ghost, Arceus-Dark, revenge killers such as Genesect, Chople Berry Tyranitar or Tyranitar(Mega)
  • MM2Y Calm Mind counters and checks
    Aegislash (depending on coverage), Arceus-Ghost, Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, revenge killers such as Genesect, Sableye, Spiritomb


  • Choice Scarf counters and checks
    Ferrothorn, Palkia, SDef Kyogre, Arceus-Grass, Gastrodon, Ludicolo, Dialga, Arceus-Water, Chansey, (loshedinja)
  • Choice Specs counters and checks
    Palkia, Arceus-Grass, Gastrodon,


  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Ho-oh, Hippowdon, Landorus-T (defensive), Quagsire
  • Protect + 3 Attacks
    Hippowdon, Landorus-T (defensive), Quagsire
  • Swords Dance counters and checks
    Quagsire. Pray you have a massive amount of strong priority on your team are you don't let it set up

Gengar Mega

  • Taunt + Destiny Bond + 2 Attacks
    Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, MM2Y (till an extent), Arceus-Ghost (usually since Focus Blast is preferred coverage), Ekiller (Before mega evolving), Groudon
  • Perish Trapper counters and checks
    Arceus-Ghost, Arceus-Dark, Thundurus-I, SDef Sableye, Pokemon with high offensive pressure, StallTwo


  • Swords Dance counters and checks
    Ekiller, Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, Spiritomb, Sableye, Quagsire
  • Calm Mind counters and checks
    Clefable, Tyranitar / Ho-oh / Arceus-Dark / Yveltal (depending on coverage)


  • Extreme Killer counters and checks
    Arceus-Ghost (Max speed), Giratina-A, Ferrothorn (depending on whether it is carrying Overheat or not), Sash Intact / Scarfed Terrakion, Groudon, Yveltal (Defensive)
  • Choice Band counters and checks
    Arceus-Ghost, Yveltal (defensive), Arceus-Dark, Groudon, Landorus-T, Ferrothorn, Scizor (with Superpower


  • Choice Band counters and checks
    Let us not lie to ourselves. There is no such thing, but if you really want to make yourself believe it, the only thing close to a check would be Arceus-Rock. It can be revenged killed. Or if you are a real try-hard, Air Balloon defensive Heatran, but still very shaky and breakable.
  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Very few counters as well, however Arceus-Rock does get a special mention on this one.
  • Substitute + Leftovers counters and checks
    Zekrom, Arceus-Rock, Landorus-T, Groudon, Arceus-Electric


  • Lustrous Orb / Offensive Leftovers counters and checks
    Cleric Xerneas, SDef Kyogre (Depending on coverage), Arceus-Grass, CM variants of Arceus, Arceus-Fairy, Chansey
  • Choice Specs counters and checks
    Chansey, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass / Ferrothorn / SDef Kyogre (depending on coverage)


  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Xerneas, Arceus-Fairy, Sylveon, Mega Mawile, Klefki, Ho-oh,Tyranitar
  • Choice Scarf counters and checks
    Mega Mawile, Xerneas, Arceus Fairy, Sylveon, Klefki, Ho-oh


  • Dark Void Special Attacker
    Cleric Xerneas, Mega Mawile, Klefki, SDef Kyogre, revenge killers such as Genesect, Sylveon
  • Substitute counters and checks
    Sylveon, Cleric Xerneas, Arceus-Fairy, Mega Mawile, Klefki, Clefable


  • Choice Scarf counters and checks
    Groudon, Ferrothorn, Arceus-Fairy, Cleric Xerneas, Landorus-T, Arceus-Ground
  • Mixed Life Orb counters and checks
    Ferrothorn, Arceus-Fairy, SDef Groudon
  • Choice Band counters and checks
    Ferrothorn, with prediction, the same checks as scarf


  • Sash Lead counters and checks
    Scizor and Scizor Mega, Yveltal,Defensive Arceus forms
  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Scizor and Scizor Mega (Depending on Coverage), Yveltal (Depending on coverage)


  • Offensive Stealth Rock counters and checks
    Landorus-T (Defensive), Ferrothorn, Arceus-Water, StallTwo
  • Double Dancer counters and checks
    Arceus-Grass / Ho-oh / Yveltal / Skarmory (Depending on whether it is running Fire Punch or Stone Edge


  • Swords Dance counters and checks
    Quagsire, Arceus-Grass, Groudon (Defensive), Landorus-T (defensive), Ferrothorn (really is merely a check)


  • Calm Mind counters and checks
    Quagsire, Excadrill, Chansey, SDef Groudon.


  • Calm Mind counters and checks
    Mewtwo (all forms), Heatran (Hard counter), Groudon, Landorus-T


  • Swords Dance counters and checks
    Arceus-Fairy, Mega Tyranitar, Defensive Tyranitar, Palkia (can't switch in), Zekrom (can't switch in)
  • Mixed Attacker counters and checks
    Arceus-Fairy, Cleric Xerneas, Mega Tyranitar, Defensive Tyranitar Palkia (can't switch-in), Zekrom (can't switch-in)
  • Dragon Dance counters and checks
    Arceus-Fairy, Mega Tyranitar, Defenisve Tyranitar


  • Choice Scarf counters and checks
    Arceus-Ghost, Arceus-Fire, Ho-oh, Dialga Landorus / Mega Mawile / Klefki / Groudon (depending on coverage)
  • Choice Band counters and checks
    Arceus-Ghost, Arceus-Fire, Groudon, Hippowdon


  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Landorus-Therian, Groudon, Defensive Arceus, Arceus-Grass, Giratina-A, Hippowdon,Gliscor

Kangaskhan Mega

  • All Out Attacker counters and checks
    Defensive Yveltal, Arceus-Ghost, Ferrothorn

Lucario Mega

  • Sticky Web Abuser counters and checks
    Arceus-Ghost, Landorus-T, Ho-oh (depending on SD or Stone Edge), Defensive Groudon and Hippowdon


  • Calm Mind Stallbreaker counters and checks
    Mega Lucario, Fairy Arceus, Mega Mawile, Xerneas


  • Life Orb counters and checks
    Arceus-Fire, Ho-oh, Yveltal, Zekrom, Scizor, Ferrothorn / Heatran (depending on coverage)


  • Choice Specs Counters and checks
    To be honest, there aren't many. The closest you get are probably Blissey and Chansey (for the record, Blissey gets beaten with SR + Focus Blast and Chansey needs to be fully invested in HP/Special Defense). With prediction, Pokemon like Xerneas and check it.
  • LO/Leftovers Counters and checks
    Chansey, Blissey, and other special walls like Florges work fine too really.
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never again e_o
Too much to read. -1
Not nearly enough physical Bronzong.
Lol thank you so much Aeternis I spent an hour reading this XD
lol, np
Can this be BA'd now plz :]?
1 vote


Xerneas @ Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SAtk/252 Spd/4 HP

  • Geomany
  • Moonblast
  • Psyshock
  • Thunderbolt/Flash Cannon

Let's get the obvious one out of the way - Power Herb Geomancy Xerneas. The only downside of this is that Xerneas has a better physical move set, but no physical Fairy attack (aka no Play Rough). Anyway, if you let this thing get a Geomancy off, it can tear through entire teams.


Excadrill @ Life Orb/Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def OR 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP

  • Iron Head
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide/Stone Edge
  • Shadow Claw/Brick Break/Rapid Spin

As a counter, Excadrill is pretty good. It resists all of the moves on special Xerneas, and hits back with a Super-effective STAB Iron Head. Also, a counter is only useful if the Pokemon can also function well in the tier. Considering Excadrill was Ubers in Gen V (I don't know what it is in Gen VI) it can also do some work, and as a bonus is one of the few good Rapid Spinners in the tier.

Excadrill is OU in Gen VI
ok. it can still counter Xerneas. not that it matters since Aeternis' answer is much better than mine :)
:) (filler)