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In later episodes of the anime, Professor Sycamore says that 3 things are required for Mega Evolution: a Mega Stone, a Key Stone, and a strong bond between the trainer and his/her Pokémon.

However, Mewtwo was able to mega evolve in the above episode, and it had none of the three. Is it because it's so legendary and OP that it can break the foundational laws of Pokémon? If not, how?

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Oh, and in this episode, Mewtwo's Aura Sphere missed.  Why is GF so inconsistent?
pretty sure it did have the stone
It's just like Kyurem changing formes
Because Mewtwo is a badass and doesn't play by the rules that why :3
"Screw the rules, i have money!" -Mewtwo, 1997
Mewtwo: That cannot be. You said we were partners. We stood as equals.

Giovanni: You were created by humans to obey humans. You could never be our equal.

Mewtwo: Humans may have created me, but they will never enslave me! This cannot be my destiny!

Giovanni: [as Mewtwo begins destroying the lab] Stop this now!

Mewtwo: I wasn't born a Pokémon, I was created; and my creators have used and betrayed me! So, I stand alone!

[Mewtwo blows up the laboratory]

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Because Gamefreak.

What else can you expect? Also the anime was been very inconsistant, which has led to the theory that the anime is completely different from the game.

As for the fundamental laws of Pokemon, a certain Pikachu once KO'd a Rhyhorn (Ground type) with Thunderbolt. That same Pikachu's Thunderbolt failed to destroy a certain Swanna because it was hiding behind an Aqua Ring. Aura Sphere has set a record for having missed.

The most logical expectation might be that Mewtwo is almost a completely humanoid Pokemon, so it doesn't need a trainer to actually set itself into a mega form. Also since it is artificial, maybe a few tweaks or something happened, that made it capable of Mega Evolving itself.

Hope I helped!

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this is the first step to the enslavement of mankind by pokemon!
You summed it up with "the anime is completely different from the game".
Even when Sycamore said that in anime, we already see that his logic is failing here. The only other logic that can apply is Gamefreak. And their logic is a Magnet Rise Volcarona sweep lol
0 votes

I know there is already a BA, but a good thing to say is that at the time, this wasn't meant to be Mewtwo's Mega Evolution, it was called the Eclair Form at the time. It was later revealed that it was Mega Mewtwo Y.

Hope I helped!

eclair... isn't that a pastry? xD
0 votes

It's only theoretical and the evidence may not me be true to the games, but in the first movie we see Mewtwo create new Pokeballs, that can even capture a Pokeball, and the Pokemon once captured going through DNA engineering device to be cloned, so it's not too far to say that Mewtwo is the one who created the Mega Stones for him.

Although the theory might not well combined with the game, I can bring reference to that from the game, once captured in Pokemon X\Y the player is given automatically the Mewtwonite as shown it was where Mewtwo is found, it may imply that Mewtwo already had the Mewtwonite.

Though in the remakes for Sapphire and Ruby the player finds the mega stone for Mewtwo in the Pokemon League buildings, still it's only theory.

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dont forget the fact that there is another pokemon that breaks this rule, rayquasa, first off, ate its mega stone and doesnt need a strong bond, but someone to pray to it. it also mega evolves on its own multiple times in the anime without outside help (the movies and I think one of the generations episodes)