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I was building a set for my future new competitive Pokemon, Luxray! Since with Guts, Luxray ignores the attack drop from a Burn, but since Poison and Burn both inflict damage, I don't really know what to go for! In case you are wondering, of course I'm putting Facade and Protect in its set. Which shall I go for?

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1 Answer

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Flame Orb, definitely.

Why give your Luxray toxic poison, costing your Luxray more damage each turn, when you can activate Guts with the burn condition that only takes away 6% of your HP each turn?

Hope I helped

>I actually disagree with this. First off burns deal 12% each turn, not 6%. Toxic poison, however, does start at 6% and starts to stack up after that. So on the first turn and second turn you're in battle, toxic poison saves you more HP than a burn does. On the third turn they're tied, and after that burn saves you more HP.
So really it depends in how long you want to keep Luxray in play. Generally your opponent will force Luxray to switch out within four turns, so I'd honestly choose Toxic Orb. They both activate Guts so they're both good options though.
commented 3 minutes ago by ƒιzz

This an excellent point made by ƒιzz, especially because in competitive you don't really keep one Pokemon in that long, so Toxic Orb may be better. Really though it is up to you.

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I agree with that as well, especially since you will not have a weakened attack stat due to guts (normally you lose 50%, but with guts, it is negated AND you still get the 50% stack boost)
I actually disagree with this. First off burns deal 12% each turn, not 6%. Toxic poison, however, does start at 6% and starts to stack up after that. So on the first turn and second turn you're in battle, toxic poison saves you more HP than a burn does. On the third turn they're tied, and after that burn saves you more HP.
So really it depends in how long you want to keep Luxray in play. Generally your opponent will force Luxray to switch out within four turns, so I'd honestly choose Toxic Orb. They both activate Guts so they're both good options though.
Wow thats alot of opinions from youguys, il probaley keep switching it out
Actually Fizz isn't, he is correct in a lot of ways cause like he said, the third turn does equal damage to the user and the toxic orb maybe better and another thing, please don't bully people
- Toxic Orb if you plan to switch frequently
- Flame Orb if you plan for Luxray to stay in for more than 3 turns