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When I battled pokemaster before Toxic spikes hurt me alot. I have never trained a rapid spinner before. What are the best ones.


4 Answers

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Best answer

As of Generation 9, the best Rapid Spinners are the paradox Donphan forms, Great Tusk and Iron Treads. With its massive 131 Attack and Defense, Great Tusk can exert a powerful offensive presence even if its main role is to clear hazards. The speed boost it gains from Rapid Spin also allows for a potential endgame cleanup thanks to its great STAB combination of Ground/Fighting and useful coverage moves, such as Ice Spinner for Landorus-T and potentially even Temper Flare or Supercell Slam for Corviknight. It can also choose to run Stealth Rocks itself, meaning it can both set up hazards and clear them for its team. Tusk also has tons of variety in its EV spreads, since it can be geared to be fully offensive, fully defensive, or to give a +speed boost with Protosynthesis. Finally, the Protosynthesis boost under Sun or with Booster Energy can make it even more threatening, often making it stronger, bulkier, or faster.

Iron Treads has a few traits to differentiate itself from Great Tusk. Although weaker, its Steel typing allows it to have valuable resistances along with an immunity to Toxic. It is also faster at base 106 Speed, which is crucial since it outspeeds the crowded base 100 benchmark. For reference, Great Tusk sits at base 87, which is slower than certain mons like Landorus-T and Iron Crown, but Iron Treads outspeeds them both. Iron Treads also has Volt Switch, allowing it to ease prediction and give its team momentum. In sum, Great Tusk is much more offensive and has great set and EV spread variety, but it is slower than many mons along with lacking the option to pivot. Iron Treads is weaker and doesn't have as expansive of a movepool, but it is quite a bit faster along with offering a Toxic immunity and pivoting. Both are able to spin hazards incredibly reliably, provide an Electric immunity, and have the option to set their own hazards up in addition to removing them.

There are some other notable Rapid Spinners. Currently, in National Dex, Terastalization is banned, meaning Terapagos is unbanned. Terapagos's Tera Shell along with great coverage afforded by Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Earth Power allows it to both pose a decent threat to most mons and remove hazards more reliably than any other mon (until Tera Shell breaks). On Sand teams, Excadrill is commonly seen as Rapid Spinner, as it already is a premier pick to be the dedicated Sand sweeper. Its immense threat level afforded by Sand Rush + Swords Dance along with a quadruple resistance to Stealth Rock and an immunity to Toxic Spikes means it is barely threatened by most hazards while threatening to sweep. Excadrill's power level has been falling off gradually due to power creep; however, Sand teams still appreciate its blend of high threat level and hazard removal.

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"As of Gen 9" is misleading because it applies only to Gen 9. What about other gens? No particular gen is specified in the question but only answering for Gen 9 is incomplete
Fair enough, I'll add on other gens
4 votes

For Toxic Spikes, bringing in a Poison-type pokemon like Roserade will "absorb" the spikes. (Doesn't work with Gengar because of Levitate.)

There aren't many pokemon that can learn Rapid Spin actually: http://pokemondb.net/move/rapid-spin

Ironically one of the most popular rapid spinners is Forretress who usually sets up entry hazards. The other usual suspect is Starmie. Although Blastoise is a good defensive Pokemon that can spin.

I have a feeling Excadrill will be extremely popular in B/W so you will likely see him as a spinner in the future.

Yes, Excadrill is a total flipping boss.
3 votes

#1 - Forretress is one of the best rapid spinners/leads ever. with the ability to learn each and every Entry Hazards+Explosion
#2 - Starmie is a good choice too, seeing that it can start your game in a sweep,then going for the rapid spin to protect you from entry hazards.
#3 - Donphan is amazing! entry hazards+rapid spin+relly good defense works well for donphan.

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2 votes

I suggest a Starmie, Foretress, or Hitmontop.

Starmie's got great special attack and speed, so it can do more than just spin the spikes away.

Forretress, as said by the above, is also capable of setting spikes and is great as a kamikaze lead with Explosion. Also, since it's part Steel-type, it's immune to the effects of Toxic Spikes and takes neutral damage from Stealth Rock.

Hitmontop could be used if it had Technician, because it could also turn the move into a fairly viable attack.

I can't speak for any Gen. V Pokemon, though, because I've yet to play the games.

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