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Sometimes in my free time, I see some Pokemon Speedruns on Youtube and I saw a HGSS Speedrun and he (the player playing the game) says that the girl character is better than the boy in Speedruns because it's faster.

Is this true?

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2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer


Theres no such thing, both players have equal running speed regardless of what instrument they are using (Roller Skates, Running Shoes, Bicycle).

There are just name (Ethan and Lyra respectively) and design differences between the Boy and Girl characters as per programming in the HG/SS game, and none other.

Source: Restarted my SoulSilver game as a girl, and then again as a boy. Did the same for BW2, no speed difference.

Another fact is that if this was true, everyone would use the girl is speedruns, but they don't. In all Pokémon WR, the player uses the boy character because it is the default one. Which means he can just spam the A button to go through the intro.

Hope I helped!

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Sources? '-'
I really need to know if this is 100% true.
OK, I'll add in a source. But this is gonna be hard on me lol
would you trust a random guy on the internet telling you to become a girl or a talking keyboard?
Im going with qwertzy
Consider me a source. There's no difference.
You don't need a source. It's false, Zoom's right.
Added in a source anyway (hard on me because I restarted twice xD). Oh well, time to make a Nuzlocke out of that :P
Most people pick the female trainer because most guys agree that almost all of the male trainers (Save for the johto games) suck.

Plus, GIRLs are all over the internet.

The world has been solved.
Nearly every male youtuber uses the girl character. Dunno why even though I just technically read all this.
3 votes

Taken from Pokemon speedruns website:
Choosing the girl character makes the run both faster and safer.
By choosing the girl, you will have the Male character as your rival, and vice versa. The male rival says less text than the female rival, and thus takes up less time. Also, for the Rival 2 fight, the male rival leads Slugma, and the female rival leads Wingull. In that fight you have to set up 2 X Attacks and an X Speed to take down the Grovyle, however the wingull knows growl. As you can only afford a maximum of 3 X Attacks up to this point (and normally only have 2), getting growl from the wingull can be a run killer. The slugma however only knows yawn and ember, and there is a full heal hidden just before Rival 2 as a safety against getting burned by ember. However, because the slugma knows yawn, and male Rival 3 has a Pelliper where female Rival 3 has a wingull, these fights are actually slower. It is still worth it regardless to choose the female though.

That's for Emerald, so I imagine there are small differences in all games related to which gender you pick

Source: http://wiki.pokemonspeedruns.com/index.php/FAQ_List/EmeraldFAQ
