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There is a man in Lumoise city that is in the second floor of a building. He has blonde hair and a white shirt. I have quite a bit of style, and he still says, "Wh-what? I haven't fallen in love with you.". Maybe he might like you when you get max. style?
The building is on the south boulevard, across from cafe introversion (red).

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Maybe it is just coded in for the heck of it...
Another man who does not appriciate me :P
Nah, just wondering where that was. I don't remember it, though I'm not one to explore many random buildings and stuff in game. :P
I check everyday, but I can't remember if it was closer to route 15 or 5 XD
Will this be like one of those "Never answered" ?'s?
Are you sure that it was the 3rd floor? I encountered a guy fitting your description, he turned around surprised and said "What!?Don't talk to me out of the blue like that! I may fall in love with you!" Or something along those lines. I tried talking to him again and he said "Wh-what? I haven't fallen in love with you." This is a bit creepy because I'm a guy(no I'm not one of thise guys that pick their characters female).
^^ I'm one of those girls that make their character male. .3.
I'm one of those people who gets to be bothcharacters, because I'm a Zo-...
I have both versions of each DS game. :>
Can someone please tell me which building ths is in?
Maybe you have to increase your style or something.Buying clothes doesn't increase your style btw.
I think that this man is just being a tsundere.
All it's missing is him saying "Baka!"
Leafseryyx I see what you did there ._.
.v. hmmnn...
Maybe he's g-
I feel really stupid for not knowing what 'zo-' or 'g-' is.
And thanks for editing in where to look. >3<
No pr0blAme0 c:

1 Answer

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Best answer

The guy that has been mentioned by you cannot love you for whatever reason.

I've tried doing it by buying all attires, maxing out style and whatnot, apparently this guy doesn't care at all. He just kinda stays there to troll you or something for all you know.

Hope I helped!

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I shall now call them Freak game XD
JK I would never
So thay's the reason they're so called TrollFreak o.o