PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User itsmarcachu

Member for: 10 years (since Jun 2, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Latias
Country: United States, WV
Favorite Pokémon: My team, who is amazing an who try their best every day: Tyrantrum, Pikachu, Charizard, Swampert, Rapidash, and Gengar.
Friend Codes: Pokemon X and Y for the 3DS;
My safari  is fire with Charmeleon, Braxien, and Pansear. (pretty good id say)
Im currently on the hunt for the following (Help me plz)
Shiny Male Pikachu
Shiny Lucario
Shiny Gengar

I have some very good rare shinies with pretty good ivs to offer in trade for these. None are hacked. Id like to say a big thanks to Ryan for getting these for me. He is on instagram as moonlessday.

If you would like a spare Light ball
Or any Starter
Or a pretty kick-butt Pichu
Or a porygon
Just call me up *Phone Rings* :D
About me: I`m looking for admins. Just contact me on one of my websites.
Also a thanks to the random person who did the survey (>)^-^)>
Please don't think that my site is dumb XD


My spirit animal is a Bear, #1! Best matches: Wolverines, Horses, Wolves. Watch out for: Foxes, Crows, Spiders.
If you want to see yours go to http://www.jerismithready.com/index.cfm/quiz/
I also need to watch out for guardrails... (Go ahead, ask away.)

Hello! I`m an expert (at least in my judgement) at Pokemon and I`ll try to answer all of the questions I can as accurate as I can.
"I`m like vanilla ice cream, I`m good, but I`m not sought out."
As long as you are here, you might as well learn a little bit about me.
Faveorite things:
Food? ~Ramen noodles, chicken flavored~
TV Show? ~Adventure Time~
Color? ~Sapphire~
Reigon? ~Hoenn~
Types? ~Water and Dark~
Time? ~Night~
Book? ~Alice in the country of Clover~
Author? ~Quin Rose~
Hobby? ~Drawing~

I love Alice in the country of Clover a LOOOOTTTT.
I am one for the mushy stuff XP
But I dont have a Boris.

Now a short bio if your still here:
I love to draw. And stay up late. If your wondering who Marcachu is... he is a Pikachu with nicks in his tail (on the bottom) and on his left ear (on the outside) and has a hoodie that has Pikachu written on it. He has little jean shorts and shoes too. I want to be a Translator (from Japanese to English, English to Japanese), a Manga writer, and draw on the side. @_the_alpha_sapphire_champ_ on instagram. Thats all I`ve got for now. Bye!

http://teamsafaia.weebly.com/ Is my teams website .^^'
http://skytheshaymin.weebly.com/ and http://scolipedetrading.weebly.com/ Are run by me as well X3:
Go and join my forums: http://dragonitecove.boards.net/ and add me, ~Sly~Dragonite~

And by the way, Sky made a forum, and wanted me to tell you: http://skytheshaymin.boards.net/

Activity by itsmarcachu

Score: 96 points (ranked #1,245)
Questions: 13 (13 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 4
Comments: 27
Voted on: 1 question, 18 answers
Gave out: 19 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 5 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for itsmarcachu

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
I love this site, that's why I'm still here after a year. :P

But it's just people are deliberately trying to make those 'forever unanswered' questions for the sake of points, I'm assuming. I don't blame you since yours was actually a decent question but who gives a damn about http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/208233/who-are-all-the-trainers-that-have-pokemon-with-egg-moves ._.
Aug 3, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Aug 2, 2014 by Aeternis
Dude, if I had to choose to be one of the main spirit animals, I woulg be Briggin. Sorry if I misspelled it...
Aug 2, 2014 by Umbreon9519
I wasn't accusing you of lying, I just thought you would want to know, because I'm pretty sure your safari is rock. Your name is under Bunny~Bear.
Jul 28, 2014 by ~Crimson~
Hi there! I joined your forum and I wish you the best of luck and a long life for your forum! :D
Jul 27, 2014 by Dark_Breeder
Hey :)

Finallly got around to your safari today, and you have a rock safari with Dwebble and Pupitar.
I suppose that whoever told you that you have a fire safari was lying. That Pupitar is really helpful though :)
Anyway, just thought you would want to know.
Jul 26, 2014 by ~Crimson~
Ok, thanks, I've added you, could you please add me?
Jul 14, 2014 by ~Crimson~
Hey itsmarcachu :)
So you want to become a Japanese to English translator? That's cool, I live in Japan. So are you studying Japanese or anything? I was wondering wether we could exchange safaris, I would appreciate that Charmeleon . My FC is 1504 7049 4870. IGN: Kaisei. Thanks.
Jul 14, 2014 by ~Crimson~
No Problem!!
Jun 27, 2014 by Torterra02