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Norman (Normal + Man)
Candice (Cand + ice)
Whiteny (White + ny) (White is the colour of the Normal-type)
Wattson (Watt + son)
Gardenia (Garden + ia)
Chuck (Chuck Norris(an american martial artist))
Volkner (Volt + kner)
Wake (Wake as in WAVE)
Blaine (Blaze + ine)
Jasmine (Jas + mine) (mining minerals)
Bugsy (Bug + sy)
Winona (Wind + ona)
Skyla (Sky + la)
Brawly (Brawl + y)
Anymore you have noticed?

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2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Basically, yeah. Every Gym Leader has a pun in their name derived from the type they specialise in.

Brock = "rock". Self-explanatory.
Misty = "mist", normally a form of water. However, Misty is a frequent anime character so such a normal name may be because they wanted him to have a normal name throughout the anime to cause less confusion. This may apply to Brock as well.
Lt. Surge = "surge", as in an electrical surge.
Erika = "erica", a type of flower.
Koga = "kogaryu", a ninja school.
Janine = "ninja". You know, take away the 'e' and it's an anagram of ninja. Seems legit. She is the Koga's daughter, so that demands some ninja-ness.
Sabrina = I don't really know.
Blaine = "blitz", "blaze"... you get the jist.
Giovanni/Blue = Giovanni is the Team Rocket leader so it seems there may not have been a direct pun on his name. Blue has various types. However, Giovanni has "geo" in his name, which is a frequent reference to geography, or ground, his specialty type.

Falkner = "falcon", a type of bird.
Bugsy = "bug", self-explanatory.
Whitney = What you said, "white" which is a 'normal' colour.
Morty = "mort-", a common prefix that is relevant to life. E.g., 'post-mortem', 'mortal' etc.
Chuck = "Chuck Norris", a karate dude.
Jasmine = "mine", mining minerals.
Pryce = I would have said reference to "ice", but his name is spelt with an 'i' so it may be wrong.
Clair = a suggestion stated "lair", as in dragon's lair. I don't really know how this comes into play, but it seems to make sense I guess.

Roxanne = "rock". Self-explanatory.
Brawly = "brawl", a way of fighting.
Wattson = "watts", a measure of electricity.
Flannery = "flame", "flare", something beginning with "fla-".
Norman = "normal". Self-explanatory.
Winona = "wings", the way birds fly. :P
Tate and Liza = "meditate", maybe? I don't know one for Liza though.
Wallace = "wallow", maybe. A way of crying, which may refer to water.
Juan = Dunno. I seriously dunno.

Roark = some pun on "rock".
Gardenia = "garden"
Maylene = "melee", a type of fighting style.
Crasher Wake = It sounds pretty cool, and "wake" may be some pun on "wave" or some other form of surfing or something.
Fantina = "phantom", a type of ghost.
Byron = "iron", a type of steel.
Candice = "ice"
Volkner = "volt", a measure of electricity.

Cilan = "cilantro", a type of plant. This is probably true, as cilantro is another word for coriander, which is a type of herb. This matches Cilan's ability to cook.
Chili = "chilli", a hot substance, which probably relates to fire.
Cress = maybe short for "watercress".
Lenora = "normal"
Burgh = "bug"
Elesa = "electric"
Clay = "clay", a substance that comes from the ground. Gee, Unova Gym Leader Names are pretty damn creative.
Skyla = "sky"
Brycen = Like Pryce, maybe a pun on "ice".
Drayden = "dragon"
Iris = "iridescent", possibly. But, again, another anime character that may warrant for a normal name.
Roxie = This may be a pun on her professsion, a "rockstar".
Marlon = "marlin", a type of fish that is known for swimming very fast.

Viola = "viola", a type of plant. This may seem to go well with bugs. This is also true as a pansy is also a type of plant, and also the name of Viola's sister.
Grant = "granite", a type of rock.
Korrina = apparently it means "athletic girl". I've never heard of it before unless it's some other dialect but whatever. I have a few people confirming it so I guess it's right. :P
Valerie = apparently this name comes from "corn salad" and "faerie" (which is German for fairy, Valerie's name is the same in both English and German.) I don't know how corn salad comes into this, but it's Japanese name 'maashu' means 'corn salad', so... o_o
Clemont = this probably comes from "lemon". Again, have no clue how it relates, but it's Japanese 'shitoron' has 'shito', from 'shitorasu', which means "citrus". Maybe that's his favourite food. :P
Olympia = "Olympus", as in "Olympus gods". She may have some relation to this, having her godly appearance.
Wulfric = his appearance may relate to "wolf".

But those are all the gym leaders addressed. If anyone can help me fill in the blanks that would be nice.

Hope I helped. :)
Source, Bulbapedia and the commenters who helped. Thanks.

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You forgot Candice (ice) on Sinnoh
Marlon might be for marlin, a fish
Not to mention they are fast swimmers as well :P

Janine - The syllables for Ninja backwords: "Nin" "ja" = "ja" "nin".

Sabrina's name could be based off of the Zebrina plant which looks like the color of her hair lol

Maylene sounds like melee, which really means close range fighting
For Cilan, might be Cilantro, a type of plant.
Those are probably all right, but Sabrina... The source states that it might be based off 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' (ugh I hated that show) but I thought that might be too much of a modern reference. Zebrina might be right. :P
Here is my try at Kalos Gym leaders, almost all of them are super original, and could be wrong lol:

In Latin the meaning of the name Viola is: Flower. Her signature pokemon is a Vivillon, so the name actaully makes sense.

Grant: The name Grant is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Grant is: Bestow' or 'great; tall.' Grant is tall, which probably is the refereance :P

Korrina: means an athletic girl

Ramos: Derived from 'ram' probably; his signaature pokemon is a Gogoat, so this makes a little sense.

Clemont: I'm lost lol, but his japanese name Citron sounds very robotic.

Valerie: Probably from Valentine's Day or something, just forcing a meaning into it xD

Olympia: Literally means from Olympus, the home of gods or something. Since she seems to float around and look inhuman altogether, I think this could make some sense.

Wulfric means "wolf power" or "wolf ruler". I think wolfs can easily be related to snow, I could be wrong though.
@Qwerty, I think Grant may also be a reference to Granite. Clemont is probably a reference to Lemons, which are yellow, the color of Electricity. His Japanese name, Citron at least supports the Lemon part, as in Citrus, lemons are Citrus fruit. Also, Korrina may be a reference to the skate theme of her gym, as Correr is the Spanish word for running. A bit of a loose conection, but it's all that I could come up with.
Yeah Grant and Clemont I was unsure of, yours seems much better
Korrina I was convinced that I had found the right pun, I think there are multiple ones :P
Clair for Dragons Lair,  maybe? cLAIR, Lair. LOL
Maylene- melee
Lemons? Lol, I think that might have been a strange coincidence that its shared with the Japanese name. I'll edit the answer when I'm on the computer with all these. Thanks, everyone.
Pretty sure you just disgraced Chuck Norris.
I don't really know who he is and I duncare to be honest so the amount of grace he demands means nothing to  me. .3.
Marlon could be relating to Marlin, a type of water mammal
Crasher wake could be crasher crashing waves maybe?
Can I add that the Japanese name can be different, e.g. Burgh's Japanese name is Arty, which references his profession as an artist.
3 votes

Yes.Lots of them I have noticed are.

Brock -rock
Misty- mist water
LT.Surge -Surge
Blaine - Blaze
Giovanni- Gio (geo)
Falkner- Falcon
Bugsy- Bug
Whitney- White(Normal's colour)
Morty- Mortal
Chuck- Chuck Norris
Jasmine- Mine,idk
Pryce- Ice
Roxanne- Rox,rocks
Brawly- Brawl
Wattson- Watt
Flannery- Flame
Noman- Normal
Winona- Wind
Roark- Rock
Gardenia- Garden
Crasher Wake- Wave
Fantina- Phantom
Byron- Iron
Candyce- Ice
Volkner- Volt
Lenora- Normal
Burgh- Bug
Elesa- Electric
Clay- Clay
Skyla- Sky
Brycen- Ice
Drayden- Dragon
Marlon- Marlin a type of sea mammal
Viola-Flower maybe mimicking vivilion
Grant- Granite
Korrina- Korrina means an athletic girl

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Roxie - Rox is pronounced like Roxanne's name Rocks, except for rock and roll.
I thought Viola was meant to mimic Vivillon, her ace.
It's also a type of flower, like her sister's name Pansy (Alexa), and I guess bugs & flowers go together.