With eviolite, floette would have a minimum base sp defense of 270. Florges has a min sp defense of 281. Its minimum defense would be 133.5 (134). Florges min defense is 126.
Florges is MUCH better then floette. Floette can't get moonblast, wish, aromatherapy, or anything like that. Plus floette has lower special defense, terrible hp, and its defense isn't that much higher. Plus it can't do much with its miserable sp attack stat.
In other words, no recovery, barely any support moves, not the greatest stats, how would floette outclass florges?
Florges is my favorite X and Y Pokemon! It was the first competitive poke I bred, and its set still works! here it is!

Florges@ leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
Bold nature 252 defense, 252 hp, 4 sp defense
Calm mind
Florges has a high enough special defense that it doesn't need investment! You send it out and use calm mind, increasing your special defense to skyrocket levels as well as your special attack. Wish and protect is to stall and heal while setting up. And after that, moonblast is there to sweep. After calm mind boosts, moonblast also hits stuff that resist pretty hard. With its defense evs, it can live a poison jab from a max attack garchomp.