PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

For example. If I breed a Lairon with a Squirtle will I get a Tododile?

Another exception is Manaphy. Manaphy + Ditto = Phione.

4 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

No, that's not possible at all. It will be one of the two you bred. It will always be the first in the evolutionary chain of the female Pokemon, unless you're breeding a male with a Ditto, in which case it will be the Pokemon that isn't Ditto.

The Pokemon you're breeding must also be in the same egg group, otherwise you will not
get an egg from them.

Ditto can breed with any Pokemon except with itself and Pokemon from the undiscovered egg group.

>Genderless Pokémon can breed only with Ditto. Pokémon in the Undiscovered egg group cannot breed whatsoever, and Ditto cannot breed with itself.


Hope I helped!

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I was just curious, so thanks
2 votes

Short answer: No, this is not possible legitimately

Long answer: No, that's not possible at all. It will be one of the two you bred. It will always be the first in the evolutionary chain of the female Pokemon, unless you're breeding a male with a Ditto, in which case it will be the Pokemon that isn't Ditto.

The Pokemon you're breeding must also be in the same egg group, otherwise you will not get an egg from them.

Ditto can breed with any Pokemon except with itself and Pokemon from the undiscovered egg group.

Genderless Pokémon can breed only with Ditto. Pokémon in the Undiscovered egg group cannot breed whatsoever, and Ditto cannot breed with itself.
2 votes

To be blunt, its always the females breed of Pokemon.
So no not really...

Bulbapedia has a good long explanation of poke-breeding;


2 votes

Yes, there is one exception. If you breed Illumise you can get a Volbeat egg. Same way if you breed Volbeat with Ditto you can get Illumise egg.

Also true with the Nidoran lines
Yes, and Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed.