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So Pokemon that have no super effective moves dealt to them

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4 Answers

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Best answer

Note: Most of these require Skill Swap/Baton Pass.


Tynamo, Eelektrik, Eelektross - 0 Weaknesses with Levitate
Any Electric Type - 0 Weaknesses with Levitate/Air Balloon/Magnet Rise
Wooper, Quagsire, Marshtomp, Swampert, Barboach, Whiscash, Gastrodon, Palpitoad, Seismitoad - 0 Weaknesses with Sap Sipper
Stunky, Skuntank, Drapion - 0 Weaknesses with Levitate/Air Balloon/Magnet Rise
Forretress, Scizor, Wormadam-T, Escavalier, Durant, Genesect - 0 Weaknesses with Flash Fire
Mawile, Klefki - 0 Weaknesses with Flash Fire while under effect of Air Balloon/Magnet Rise
Numel/Camerupt - 0 Weaknesses with Storm Drain/Water Absorb while under effect of Air Balloon/Magnet Rise
Chinchou/Lantern/Rotom-W - 0 Weaknesses with Sap Sipper while under effect of Air Balloon/Magnet Rise


Steel/Poison Type - 0 Weaknesses with Flash Fire while under effect of Air Balloon/Magnet Rise

Source 1 | Source 2

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Thx for info
I was ninja´d
3 votes

The Eelektross family have Levitate so they got 0 weaknesses. You could also equip a Electric type Pokemon a Air Baloon so it doesn´t got any weaknesses.
In gen 3-5 Sableye got 0 weaknesses and Spiritomb got 0 weaknesses in Gen 4 - 5.
And you could have a Sap Sipper Ground/Water type or a Flash Fire Steel/Bug type.

So in Gen 6 Only Eelektross family

0 votes

Only these 3:

  • Tynamo (Electric type + Levitate)
  • Eelektrik (Electric type + Levitate)
  • Eelektross (Electric type + Levitate)
0 votes

Here's an organized list:

  1. Sableye [Ghost-Dark]
    Spiritomb is usually preferred over Sableye. If an explanation is wanted, I'll add one.
  2. Spiritomb [Ghost-Dark]
    Usually considered the better of the duo, mostly preferred in the metagame.
  3. Tynamo [Electric]
    This works with levitate. Also applies to Eelektrik and Eelektross.
  4. Eelektrik [Electric]
  5. Eelektross [Electric]