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>My swampert was lv 71, it attacked a lv 38 hariyama and the hariyama didnt faint.how come?

More details:
I was fighting the twins near the day care in a rematch
I used muddy water
The linoone fainted, but the hariyama went down to red health.
My swampert is bold nature
NO.the hariyama wasnt holding any "faint prevention" items.
I'm playing on emerald.
I know that BOLD nature reduces ATT but with that huge level difference......

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1 Answer

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0 SpA lv.71 Swampert Muddy Water vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD lv.38 Hariyama: 165-195 (97.6 - 115.3%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

so it was a 13 percent chance that it wouldnt get OHKO'ed and 13=unlucky. so sorry swampert's poor sp.atk unables him to hit really hard With Muddy water and haryama has bulk, so no, it wasn't glitched

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Thanks ;) good ansewr!
13 isn't all that unlucky... I know a person who's b-day is 8/13 ( August 13 ) and that person's meowstic ( m ) swept a Gourgeist... Meowstic is psychic and Gourgeist is ghost so type advantage->  Gourgeist , but meowstic won so , what was that supposed to be?