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I don't know which move I should teach. Mud Shot has less power but more accuracy, and Mud Bomb has more power but less accuracy (or did this change in the recent Generations?). Which should I pick?

Or should I go for neither and just teach Muddy Water?

It would be good if you used Surf and Mud Bomb for Stab

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

honestly: none of them

quagsire's attack is far superior to its sp.atk. mud bomb is a special move, has shabby accuracy and low base power. earthquake has 100% accuracy, 100% base power and makes use of quag's attack. if you were to choose one of them, use mud bomb but seriously: teach it earthquake. no chance of reducing opponents accuracy drop, but everything else makes up for that. here is a good move set to build around it:

quagsire @ leftovers
enter image description here
trait: unaware
impish nature
EVs: 252 hp/ 252 def/ 4 sp.def
- earthquake
- waterfall
- recover
- stockpile/ curse (prefer stockpile to stall, but its opinion based

this set is mainly made to stop set up sweepers with its nice ability: unaware. use stockpile a couple of times and recovery when needed. as I said: physically quag is much better that special, but I can give you sp. set too if you really want to use mud bomb:

quagsire @ leftovers
enter image description here
trait: unaware
bold nature
EVs: 252 hp/ 252 def/ 4 sp.def
- scald
- mud bomb
- toxic
- recover

selected by
My Quagsire has Water Absorb. Is it still okay?
nah, listen: if you are playing in-game: no worries. almost everything Works in-game. if you are playing wi-fi free battles: it's ok. most wi-fi users aren't very experienced, so water absorb Works to trick opponent and switch in. but if you are using showdown rules, unaware quagsire is the one viable. you can easily destroy set up sweepers With using lost of stockpile. but unaware is the most used quagsire, so water absorb is unexcepted and it could work With some experience. unaware quagsire is easily obtainable in the friend safari, so i would bother finfing it, but its not a must
My Quagsire's in HeartGold
ah i see! you can't get HA in gen 4, so water absorb is only Choice. it can still work very very well to stop these set up sweepers.use encore and you can start setting up yourself. it would look like this:

quagsire @ leftovers
trait: water absorb
relaxed nature
252 hp/ 252 sp.def/ 4 def
- toxic
- encore
- stockpile/ curse
- waterfall/ scald

this is an unecxepted set that allows you to stop set up'ers and one free stockpile/curse while Your opponent switches out. i run relaxed to stop the absolut slowest set up mons.

this might not suit Your tastes, so other very bulky pokemons for Your team can be: swampert, suicune, vaporeon, slowbro, and tentacruel
I'm not focusing on competitive in this game, but thanks for the advice!
2 votes

I would pick Mud Bomb as it has more power.

Mud Bomb deals damage and has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Accuracy by one stage which makes it very powerful.

Hope I helped!!
