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All in the question really.
Answer with move-set suggestions please, for the benefit of others!

I like the fact that I made an arguement happen, and I wasn't in it! :P

1 Answer

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Best answer

Avalugg. Cloyster has better things to do like use Shell Smash. Cloyster also doesn't pack Recover or Sturdy like Avalugg does, so it's better off being offensive Shell Smash rather than a defensive Pokemon.

Avalugg @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Atk
Nature: Impish
- Recover
- Avalanche
- Gyro Ball/ Stone Edge/ Rapid Spin
- Earthquake

Having said Avalugg, it has a very poor typing to wall. There are better options like Landorus-T, Slowbro, Tangrowth et. al.

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Fine. :P
Aggron would be one of my favorite non-legendary pokemon if it weren't for its MASSIVE WEAKNESS TO FIGHTING!!!
cloyster has a 50% chance of setting up, if it does, it is hard to stop. avalugg however, will deal out a few strong hits, but 2 special hits=KO
You forgot to use the best move on avalaugg, body press, because of the massive defense body press deals a lot of damage.
I use Avalugg with Iron defense, body press, heavy slam and earthquake (no stab lol) and its great
Body Press does not exist in X/Y, and did not exist in 2014 when this was posted.