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So I have a Tyranitar that I would like to nickname, but the name rater won't let me change it.
He just says "Hmmm. Tyranitar! That is a truly impeccable nickname! Take good care of Tyranitar!" When I caught him I didn't type in Tyranitar because I got him as a Pupitar. If someone could help me I'd be very grateful.

Why don't you just breed the Pokemon with a handy ditto and give it a name?
What about legendarys?

3 Answers

1 vote

Did you transfer that Tyranitar? Transferred Pokemon count as traded Pokemon, and they can't be renamed in the new game.

1 vote

"Hmmm. < name >! That is a truly impeccable nickname! Take good care of < name >!"

In Pokémon X and Y the Name Rater will say this if you present him with a traded Pokémon.

Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Name_Rater#Pok.C3.A9mon_X_and_Y

A traded Pokémon cannot be renamed unless they are returned to their original game; if it is impossible for the traded Pokémon to be returned, it cannot be renamed at all. If taken to a Name Rater, he will say the name is "perfect" and refuse to change it.

Hope I helped :)

edited by
1 vote

Just to add about the two answers, if your ID and your secret ID matches the ID and Super ID of the original owner, then you can rename it. As it is almost impossible, we refer to

"A traded Pokémon cannot be renamed unless they are returned to their
original game; if it is impossible for the traded Pokémon to be
returned, it cannot be renamed at all. If taken to a Name Rater, he
will say the name is "perfect" and refuse to change it."

~ quoted from DanH1995's answer.

I deducted this from Bulbapedia:

> As the chances of matching both the Trainer ID and Secret ID are near impossible, these nicknames cannot be changed.


Thanks for giving me credit xD
Thats just taking someones answer and making it your own.
DANG IT!!! Lol I have X so I had to trade it. Thanks though. XD