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Is it possible to teach quilava both double kick and extrasensory? (Both egg moves)


4 Answers

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In X and Y, if you breed 1 Quilava with Extrasensory with another Quilava with Double Kick, yes it is possible. This is because in X and Y, both males and females can pass on egg moves.

Alternatively you could use a breeding chain such as a Sawsbuck with Double Kick (male) with a female of the Cyndaquil line. The resulting Pokemon will be a Cyndaquil with Double Kick (Must be female for next step.)

Breed the female with Double Kick with a Vulpix with Extrasensory (male), and the resulting offspring will have both Extrasensory and Double Kick.

Source: Experience

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In X&Y, the both the mother and the father can pass down egg moves, so yes, Quilava (or Cyndaquil) can learn both those moves via breeding.

Male Blaziken x Fem Quilava/ Cyndaquil/ Typhlosion
-Blaziken has Double Kick
-offspring Cyndaquil will have Double Kick (but the offspring must be female to breed again)

Male Ninetales x Fem Cyndaquil from first breeding
-Ninetales has Extrasensory
-resulting Cyndaquil offspring will have both moves

Damn, sorry, was editing so I didn't notice your answer. D:
I answered later than you anyway so it's okay. xP
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Yes you can get a Quilava with both Double Kick and Extrasensory but your Quilava cannot be taught them. Therefore to get a Quilava will both Double Kick and Extrasensory you will have to breed yours.

To get Double Kick put your Quilava in the Day Care Centre with either a Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking, Jolteon, Combusken, Blaziken, Deerling or Sawsbuck that already has the Move Double Kick. After you have put them in the Day Care Centre run around for a while until the Day Care Man calls you over to give you an egg. Then run around again until the egg hatches. When the egg does finally hatch the Cyndaquil that just hatched from it should have the Move Double Kick.

To get Extrasensory put the hatched Cyndaquil straight back into the Day Care Centre but this time put it in with either a Vulpix, Ninetales, Nuzleaf or Shiftry that already has the Move Extrasensory. Then repeat the same process as you did before and run around for a bit until the Day Care Man calls you over to give you another egg. Then run around again until this egg hatches, when it does finally hatch the Cyndaquil that just hatched from it should have both Double Kick and Extrasensory.

Hope I helped :)

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Yes you can. :3

First, find a Male Jolteon with Double Kick. It will learn Double Kick at Level 17.
Then, find a Female Cyndaquil or anything of it's evolutionary line.
The offspring should be a Cyndaquil with Double Kick in it's move set. Great!

Next, breed the above Cyndaquil with a Meowstic with Extrasensory of the opposing gender to the Cyndaquil.
The offspring should then be a Cyndaquil with Extrasensory and Doube Kick!

Hope I helped. :)
Source: Serebii

Is confirmed now.
Am I really that slow?? x)