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We all know this little bear. It's Spinda, introduced in Hoenn alongside personality values. Personality Values determine shininess, gender, and ability. They also generate Unown's letter, Wurmple's evolution, and Spinda's spots. According to this article, Arbok has different patterns that differ in each area it is from. This has led me to wonder: Why hasn't Game Freak made Arbok patterns differ?

even though its old i've seen the manga where if arbok's pattern changes he changes (Stats)
would be interesting if they add this

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Well, why won't Game Freak make Charmander die when rain gets summoned? Why won't Game Freak make Sudowoodo flee from battle when Water type attacks and rain get used on it?
Answer: It's most likely impractical, and it's just the Pokedex entry.

Most of the time, things from Pokedex entries aren't true in the games, and Arbok isn't all that special. At least Arbok has some significance to the silly Spinda. Like the Charmander and Sudowoodo example, the Arbok thing fits with that, and Pokedex entries don't have to be true in the games.

Anyways, that's my theory. I hope this helped clear things up a bit.

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1 vote

Blue, Red and LeafGreen Pokedex:
>It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.

Rumoured, so it's not actually the case that their markings differ.


1 vote

Turns out they actually have! From the original Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow up until Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Arbok's chest marking varied subtly depending on the region it was found (for example, Arboks caught in Johto had more pronounced "eye" belly markings than their Kanto counterparts). They stopped doing this around the time Gen 4 kicked off and all Arboks in subsequent games have used the belly markings from FireRed/LeafGreen ever since.

So, to answer your question, Gamefreak have already already done it and dropped it, probably for a better sense of consistency. I wouldn't put money on them putting it back in, let alone having a Spinda type setup, nice as it would be.

You can check the Arbok sprite gallery here on the DB (http://pokemondb.net/sprites/arbok) to see what I'm talking about.
