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Which Pokemon should I use? I can't seem to find a strong type to get them

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3 Answers

2 votes

If you have a Pokemon like Swampert or Absol on your team and can level them enough, then you should have enough firepower to beat Tate & Liza. But if you're here, you probably don't, so...

Get the Super Rod from Mossdeep City in the house east of the Gym. Then, fish for Wailmer in Mossdeep City. They come as high as level 45, at which point they are ready to evolve and already know Water Spout and Rest.

If you add Mystic Water or Chesto Berry and perhaps Surf to the mix, you should have enough to beat Tate & Liza, whose team is weak to Water. Note that Water Spout is a spread move in Gen 3, so the calcs below only show half the damage you can do in one turn.

Lvl 46 0 SpA Mystic Water Wailord Water Spout (150 BP) vs. Lvl 42 25 HP 25 IVs / 25 SpD 25 IVs Solrock: 122-144 (99.1 - 117%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
Lvl 46 0 SpA Mystic Water Wailord Water Spout (150 BP) vs. Lvl 42 25 HP 25 IVs / 25 SpD 25 IVs Lunatone: 98-116 (79.6 - 94.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Lvl 46 0 SpA Mystic Water Wailord Water Spout (150 BP) vs. Lvl 41 25 HP 25 IVs / 25 SpD 25 IVs Claydol: 76-90 (67.8 - 80.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If you get a lower-level Wailmer, don't evolve until level 41, so you get Water Spout sooner. Take care against Solrock which can use Sunny Day + SolarBeam.

You can get Mystic Water from the Castform given to you at the Weather Institute. You can also get level 35 Sharpedo from fishing in Mossdeep City, which is immune to Psychic moves and comes with Crunch. If your Pokemon can learn the Shadow Ball TM from Mt. Pyre, that may also assist.

Otherwise, make sure your team is levelled appropriately for the battle (Tate & Liza's team is at level 41-42) and you've equipped them with boosting items for their STAB. If you're having trouble with Tate & Liza then you're going to really struggle with the Pokemon League, so maybe choose now to cull the weaker members of your team and focus on overlevelling your best Pokemon.

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First, fishing a level 45 Pokemon with a super rod in RSE takes a lot of patience, even with an ability like vital spirit or pressure. Second, water spout's damage is halved in gen 3 double battles because it hits both opponents but not allies. Third, Wailord's average attack stats and shallow movepool make it less useful later in the game, so I still think the best Pokemon for this gym battle are things like Swampert, Gardevoir, Slaking, Sharpedo, or Absol.
I fixed the calcs. I agree that Wailord is less useful after Tate & Liza, but this question is about Tate & Liza.
So you recommend catching a Wailmer and not using it ever again after Tate and Liza?
No, it would be better to have Swampert/Absol/etc or your team already and win that way. I have added that to the answer for good measure.
But the point of this question is you're stuck with Tate & Liza, which means you probably don't have those on your team. I think this is an acceptable way to clear the gym in that case.
1 vote

Get a Sharpedo or two. Gyarados could do too, but Sharpedo is better because it's got higher sp. atk. Crunch & Surf will do exceptionally well, and try to target one Pokemon instead of hitting both at the same time. Also, take out their Xatu before it can spam too many Calm Minds.

If you need to gain some extra levels, go to Pacific Log Town and train there by fishing for Sharpedos and Wailmer.

Swampert, Slaking, and Absol work pretty great in this gym, and they're arguably better than Sharpedo because they remain more useful later in the game. Once Claydol is down, bringing your own calm mind spammer, like Gardevoir, is also a strategy.
0 votes

Any Dark Type will do, as Psychic Type moves do not affect them. Mightyenta with Bite should be able to take them out, no problem. For backup, you can catch a Shuppet in Mt. Pyre. Teach it Shadow Ball via TM.

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Mt. Pyre? :3
Yeah, thanks. :D