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5 votes

I know we have Super Training in X/Y, which is pretty good and can be quite fast, but supposedly Horde encounters are even faster!

So what are the routes where a Horde encounter will get you EVs in a particular stat?


2 Answers

9 votes


The hordes are chosen with these standards in mind:
- how many Pokemon on the route give the same EV points
- if the horde is easy to take out with a multi-hit move (e.g. Earthquake, Discharge, Surf, Heat Wave, Air Cutter, Petal Blizzard, Sludge Wave, Rock Slide etc.)

Also listed are the Pokemon on the route that do not give the wanted EVs.


Pokemon Village
+Foongus (1 each)
+Noctowl (2 each)
-Lombre (2 sp. def)
-Poliwag (1 speed)

Route 5
+Gulpin (1 each)
-Minun/ Plusle (1 speed)
-Scraggy (1 atk)


Route 14
+Ekans (1 each)
+Bellsprout (1 each)
-Skorupi (1 def)

Route 19
+Arbok (2 each)
+Weepinbell (2 each)
-Gliscor (1 def)
-Skorupi (1 def)


Route 18
+Durant (2 each)
+Geodude (1 each)
-Heatmor (2 sp. atk)

Route 14
+Skorupi (1 each)
-Ekans (1 atk)
-Bellsprout (1 atk)

It's sad that most things that give defence EVs have Sturdy.

Sp. Atk

Route 7
+Psyduck (1 each)
+Roselia (2 each)
-Hoppip (1 sp. def)

Frost Cavern 1st floor
+Smoochum (1 each)
+Vanillite (1 each)
-Cubchoo (1 atk)

Route 18
+Heatmor (2 each)
-Geodude (1 def)
-Durant (2 def)

Sp. Def

Pokemon Village
+Lombre (2 each)
-Foongus (1 HP)
-Noctowl (2 HP)
-Poliwag (1 speed)

Route 21
+Swablu (1 each)
-Spinda (1 sp. atk)
-Scyther (1 atk)

Sp. Def is really lacking in any particularly good spots.


Route 11
+Starly (1 each)
+Stunky (1 each)
-Nidoran (M) (1 atk)
-Nidoran (F) (1 HP)

Route 5
+Plusle/ Minun (1 each)
-Gulpin (1 HP)
-Scraggy (1 atk)

Route 8
+Taillow (1 each)
+Wingull (1 each)
-Zangoose (2 atk)
-Seviper (1 atk, 1 sp. atk)

Now with the remodelling of the exp. share, you can switch the Exp. Share on, put one of the weights on the Pokemon you want to EV train, and lead with a high levelled Pokemon that has full EVs or EVs that you don't care for which has a wide-ranging multi-hit move, e.g. Surf on Heatmor or Heat Wave on Durant.

Just needed to point out the obvious.

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3 votes

Horde Battle EV training 101

Assume that each Pokemon gives 1 EV of its listing unless otherwise specified.
Suggestions for training at bottom of the lists.

Plusle - Route 5
Minun - Route 5
Taillow - Route 8
Wingull - Route 8, Route 12, Azure Bay
Yanma - Route 10
Electrike - Route 10 (Y Exclusive)
Starly - Route 11
Stunky - Route 11
Tauros - Route 12 (Also provides 1 Atk EV)
Murkrow - Route 15, Route 16
Zubat - Connecting Cave
Poliwag - Pokemon Village
Floatzel - Victory Road Room 1, Room 4 (2 Speed EVs)

Gulpin - Route 5
Nidoran(F) - Route 11
Foongus - Route 15, Route 16, Route 20, Pokemon Village
Whismur - Connecting Cave
Noctowl - Pokemon Village (2 HP EVs)
Lickitung - Victory Road Rooms 1-4 (2 HP EVs)
Slowpoke - Azure Bay

Scraggy - Route 5
Zangoose - Route 8 (2 Atk EVs)
Seviper - Route 8 (Also provides 1 SAtk EV)
Nidoran(M) - Route 11
Tauros - Route 12 (Also provides 1 Spd EV)
Bellsprout - Route 14
Ekans - Route 14
Arbok - Route 19 (2 Atk EVs)
Weepinbell - Route 19 (2 Atk EVs)
Trevenant - Route 20 (2 Atk EVs)
Scyther - Route 21
Axew - Connecting Cave
Cubchoo - Frost Cavern Floors 1-3
Larvitar - Terminus Cave (Y Exclusive)

Special Attack:
Psyduck - Route 7
Roselia - Route 7 (2 SAtk EVs)
Seviper - Route 8 (Also provides 1 Atk EV)
Houndour - Route 10
Mareep - Route 12
Heatmor - Route 18 (2 SAtk EVs)
Spinda - Route 21
Smoochum - Frost Cavern Floor's 1-3
Vanillite - Frost Cavern Floor's 1-3

Special Defense:
Hoppip - Route 7
Swablu - Route 21
Mime Jr. - Reflection Cave Base Floor 3 - 1 and Floor 1
Carbink - Reflection Cave Base Floor 3 - 1 and Floor 1 (Also provides 1 Def EV)
Lombre - Pokemon Village (2 SDef EVs)

Nosepass - Route 10
Miltank - Route 12 (2 Def EVs)
Skorupi - Route 14, Route 19
Klefki - Route 15, Route 16
Geodude - Route 18, Terminus Cave, Victory Road Rooms 1-4
Durant - Route 18, Terminus Cave (2 Def EVs)
Gligar - Route 19
Sudowoodo - Route 20 (2 Def EVs)
Roggenrola - Reflection Cave Base Floors 3 - 1 and Floor 1
Carbink - Reflection Cave Base Floors 3 - 1 and Floor 1 (Also provides 1 SDef EV)
Aron - Terminus Cave
Graveler - Victory Road Rooms 2 and 3
Exeggcute - Azure Bay

I would say that Victory Road has good training for HP, Speed and Defense with Lickitung, Floatzel and Graveler respectively.
For Attack I would hit up Route 19 which has Arbok and Trevenant who both provide 2 Atk EVs.
For Special Attack I would go to Frost Cavern which has two different Pokemon that can provide SAtk, Smoochum, and Vanillite. Or you could go to Route 7 or 18 to take down Roserade or Heatmor respectively.

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