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If you have a good competitive moveset for Tyrantrum, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Tyrantrum Pokédex and learnset for reference.


this is a bit strange, but what if you gave Tyrantrum an Assault Vest and an all out attack set?
That is my moveset too!

35 Answers

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Tyrantrum @ Focus sash
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature / Naughty Nature
- Head Smash
- Dragon Dance / Horn Drill
- Fire Fang
- Ice Fang / Outrage

The main concept of this move set is to boost your attack with your ability and other stats with Dragon Dance and then Defeat them with a well-played way for attack and ability to work well together. After you have boosted your stats, you can destroy everything in your path by using Head Smash, a good move for stab, which has no recoil thanks to the rock head ability. You can use the focus sash to hang on thanks to his low special defense. If you would rather take a risky but powerful side you can switch Dragon Dance for Horn Drill, a one hit KO move. Outrage is for good stab but is Head Smash is enough than you should let it use Ice Fang to make up for dragon and ground weaknesses even though it is not recommended. Fire fang is to make up for its terrible weakness against Ice and Steel type Pokemon. This is a very trolly move set because of its ability and Head Smash Working together.

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Tyrantrum @ Hard Stone
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature / Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Iron Head / Iron Tail

  • Dragon Dance (Setting up to sweep)
  • Head Smash (Power, no recoil)
  • Earthquake (When do you not use this?)
  • Iron Head / Iron Tail (Coverage)

Self-explanatory - switch in, set up with D-Dance, and proceed to sweep. If anything can resist a +3 Atk Head Smash, they definitely can't take a +4!

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Raw POWER in the form of a prehistoric dino!

Tyrantrum @ Hard Stone
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 58 Def / 200 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Iron Head / Iron Tail

  • Dragon Dance (Stats, useful for killing)
  • Head Smash (STAB, no recoil with ability!)
  • Earthquake (Killing stuff)
  • Iron Head / Iron Tail (Weaknesses? What are they?)

It took me ages to get a Tyrunt with sturdy on GTS...

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Tyrantrum @ Soft Sand / Weakness Policy / Blunder Policy
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Head Smash
- Dragon Tail
- Iron Tail
- Stomping Tantrum

-Head Smash(STAB great with rock head)
-Dragon Tail(STAB use on special attackers)
-Iron Tail (could lower defense low accuracy)
-Stomping Tantrum(soft sand boosts it and good chance of double damage with iron tail)

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Gen 7
Tyrantrum @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe (Credit for Y for the EV spread)
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Head Smash
- Dragon Claw

Explanation: Screens support and Memento on the opposing Pokémon can help you setup. Basically, you start with Dragon Dance to setup, and if you get hit by a super-effective move, the Weakness Policy will activate, meaning you will have +3 Attack or higher, if you somehow got an opportunity to use Dragon Dance more than once. Earthquake hits hard. Head Smash is STAB, doesn't do recoil damage due to Rock Head, and can do massive damage at +3 Attack. Dragon Claw is STAB and doesn't lock you in to one move.

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Tyrantrum @ Life Orb
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
• Scale Shot
• Head Smash
• Earthquake
• Dragon Claw

Scale shot boosts speed, head smash is incredible STAB, dragon claw is STAB, earthquake is coverage

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Primal, one problem is that Scale Shot lowers defense so if the opponent uses a Physical move it would take more damage then I expect.
I mean, it’s a sweeper, so like other scale shot users like M-Ray and Chomp, it doesn’t care
Chomp uses SD scale shot bc it doesn't get DD. M-Ray and Tyrantrum do get that so its kinda unnecessary
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Tyrantrum @ Assault Vest
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Def
Adamant Nature
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Close Combat
- Outrage

With sandstorm support, Tyrantrum can effectively double it’s measly Sp. Def stat with an Assault Vest (and add to it with Max Quake if you’re playing BSS). Head Smash is go-to STAB with 150 BP, and Tyrantrum does the job well with it and Rock Head. Close Combat is for coverage and Max Knuckles for Attack boosts. Earthquake is coverage, and Outrage is strong STAB; just make sure it’s your last resort, since you’ll be locked into it.

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What's that? Tyrantrum's Head Smash keeps missing? Well, I have a set that fixes that.

Gen 8 NU
Tyrantrum @ Lum Berry
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Head Smash
- Close Combat
- Scale Shot
- Hone Claws

Lum Berry cures Tyrantrum of status conditions such as burns. Head Smash is STAB. Close Combat hits most steel types in the tier super effectively. (Stares at Bronzong) Scale Shot is to raise speed. Hone Claws is the gimmik of the set. Hone Claws boosts Tyrantrum's attack and accuracy, meaning Head Smash will no longer have 80 accuracy when you use Hone Claws. This set is really good under dual screens. (Light Screen and Reflect)

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Tyrantrum (M) @ Shell Bell
Ability: Rock Head
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Head Smash
Head smash with stab is great but dragon claw is a back-up .
The other 2 are for coverage
This is my First moveset post .Constructive criticism would be appreciated

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Gen 6 OU
Bulky Physical Sweeper:

Tyrantrum (M) @ Zoom Lens
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- Head Smash / Stone Edge
- Dragon Claw / Outrage

Earthquake has coverage. Horn Drill KOs the target and using Zoom Lens makes more accuracy because his speed is slow. Head Smash is STAB and Dragon Claw is STAB. Outrage is also STAB but confuses the target. Stone Edge is also STAB but I prefer to do it if I don't have the Rock Head ability.

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Horn Drill? I don’t think it learns Horn Drill, nor does this set include it. Also, Wide Lens doesn’t boost the accuracy of OHKO moves.
Tyrantrum can learn Horn Drill at level 53 in Pokemon X/Y, OR/AS.
Even then, the wide lens doesn’t effect it, and it’s a really horrible move. Also, the set you show  doesn’t include the move, only the description does.
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Tyrantrump (Tyrantrum) @ Salac Berry
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 156 HP / 252 Atk / 100 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Fang
- Poison Fang
- Psychic Fangs

  • Dragon Dance (2x will outspeed almost anything)
  • Ice Fang (Anti-Ground 97.7 BP)
  • Poison Fang (Anti-Fairy 75 BP and 50% "badly poison" chance.)
  • Psychic Fangs (Anti-Fighting 120 BP and breaks screens)

Salac Berry is for when you take a fairly hard hit (Activates at 25% HP).
Should you take a hit like that, you'll be able to outspeed the opponent, thus you'll likely knock it out.

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Why so many fangs?
Strong Jaw boosts, I'd guess.
Why Salac Berry Dragon Dance without Substitute?
Poison Fang really won’t be any good, a Rock Head no-recoil Head Smash is by far a better option.
Why no STAB? It's not necessary, but just wondering why there aren't any Dragon or Rock moves?
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Role: Tank / Hazard Setter

Tyrantrum @ Leftovers
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Poison Fang
- Stealth Rock
- Roar

Basically, you set up the stealth rocks, then you can curse to get bulkier, roar to have the opponent take stealth rock damage, or poison fang to try and poison them. With the EVs, he can survive a few attacks, even if they are special.

This is a weird set for Tyrantrum, but I think it works.

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Tyrantrum @ Blunder Policy
Ability: Rock Head
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Head Smash
- Outrage / Dragon Claw
- Iron Tail / Earthquake
- Play Rough / Dragon Dance

Alright, This set is kind of gimmicky because it actually relies on you missing an attack, but I do think it could work well. Head Smash for STAB + the miss chance, Outrage/ Dragon Claw for STAB, Iron Tail for coverage, Def boost, and miss chance, or Earthquake for ELECTRIC DESTRUCTION! Also, Play Rough for more coverage, or Dragon Dance If you would rather have more consistency with sweeping.

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Tyrantrum @ Leftovers
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
- Crunch
- Protect
- Meteor Beam
- Dragon Claw

Leftovers for stable healing. Crunch is buffed by strong jaw. Meteor beam buffed by rash nature. Dragon Claw is a reliable stab. Protect is for … uhhh…. Protecting.

Meteor Beam is a waste of a move slot on this set. With no ev investments and that base 69 special attack, Meteor Beam is not hitting hard.
Well i like meteor beam, ok
you could just swap it for like rock slide something.
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I’ll modify this because some people didn’t like the last one.

Tyrantrum @ Leftovers
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Crunch
- Protect
- Rock slide
- Dragon Claw

Leftovers for stable healing. Crunch is buffed by strong jaw. Rock slide is STABBY STAB STAB. Dragon Claw is a reliable stab. Protect is for … uhhh…. Protecting.

Tyrantrum is not designed to heal.  It would rather have a Choice Band or Life Orb with Earthquake or Dragon Dance over Protect