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Guess what? I have a doubles Shuckle strategy that is almost full-proof. But before I tell you, I will show you my team:

  • Shuckle (Contrary) (Holding Shell Bell)
  • Dusclops (Eviolite)
  • Butterfree (Focus Sash)
  • Whimsicott (Prankster) (Focus Sash)
  • Skiploom (Focus Sash)
  • Jumpluff (Focus Sash)

This may seem unusual but just bear with me. I send out Shuckle and Dusclops first. Dusclops uses trick room, and Shuckle uses power trick, YES, POWER TRICK. With Shuckle's new power he attacks with a powerful 230 attack stat using rock slide or earthquake, if Shuckle uses rock slide then Dusclops uses Memento on Shuckle to up Shuckle's attack stat (thanks to his ability contrary), and Dusclops faints, Allowing perfect opportunity to send in either Butterfree, Skiploom, or Jumpluff. Why these Pokemon? They can learn rage powder, protecting Shuckle from priority moves or Pokemon with focus-sash/sturdy, and they are part flying type, so they can hold a focus sash and not worry about Shuckle's earthquake, so they can use rage powder effectively. If Shuckle is up against 2 special attackers, or 2 Pokemon that don't have sturdy or priority moves, and unlikely to have focus sash, Skiploom/Jumpluff/Whimsicott can further up Shuckle's attack by using memento, or Whimsicott can use helping hand on Shuckle to temporarily boost his attack.

There are some holes however, entry hazards are hazardous to this strategy. If the enemy sets up entry hazards on the first turn, it renders Butterfree/Skiploom/Jumpluff utterly useless because it ruins focus sash. This is why I placed Whimsicott instead of Hoppip (Hoppip has the same qualities as Butterfree/Skiploom/Jumpluff, so he could help with my strategy), because he isn't completely usless if the opponent sets up entry hazards. Whimsicott has prankster, so he can always go first and support Shuckle in trick room despite Whimsicott's great speed. Whimsicott has the ability to use memento on Shuckle first (thanks to prankster) instead of after Shuckle attacks, to give him the necessary boost during that turn instead of the turn after. And lastly, Whimsicott has access to trick room, so he can reset the trick room cycle all over again once the five turns of glory are over. Whimsicott has a slew of other good support moves as well. All in all, Whimsicott would be a better choice than Hoppip just in case things take a turn for the worse. Of course, replacing Whimsicott/Butterfree/Skiploom/Jumpluff with a bulky rapid spinner is also a good choice.

If everything goes to plan, then Shuckle will destroy teams. So, what do guys think of my strategy? Rate my strategy out 10, and leave something in the comment section. Was there something in my strategy that I missed or didn't take account for? Because this could be my 'Awesome Blissey Strategy' all over again. If so, leave it in the comment section also!


1 Answer

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You can really use anything ingame, but if you look at it from a more competitive perspective the problems I see are;

  • Taunt wrecks your whole team
  • If Dusclops gets killed in the first turn, Shuckle uses power trick
    and is probably going to get killled next round
  • Provided Dusclops doesn't die on the first turn, if the opponent is
    able to tank an attack from shuckle and hit it with physical moves on
    the second, Shuckle's now base 10 defense becomes a liability
  • Prankster only increases your priority by 1, so Trick Room will still
    go last - therefore if you run out of trick room and have whimsicott
    in, the opponent can just pummel shuckle in that time
  • Multi-hit moves get through Focus Sash as well, as does passive
    damage from hail and sandstorm
  • Will-o-Wisp. Cut's Shuckle's offensive prowess by half.
  • Wide Guard means Shuckle can't attack at all anymore, since both Rock Slide and Earthquake are multi-target moves
  • I think spread moves like Surf are still able to get through Rage Powder
  • A misprediction with memento on jumpluff/those guys can lead to Shuckle biting the dust
  • Even with gargantuan base 230 defenses, attacks like Kingdra's Hydro Pump in rain still get the OHKO

>252 SpAtk Life Orb Kingdra Hydro Pump in Rain vs 252 HP/252 SpDef Shuckle (+SpDef) : 99.18% - 115.98%
87.5% chance to OHKO

Anyway so sorry for cutting down your team and stuff ;~; though since it seems to be ingame? I don't know, if it's ingame it'll probably work fine but why not just pummel with attacks ingame. :<
Competitively (Wifi I suppose for you) speaking, it has several exploitable flaws and is a little situational of a strategy.

edited by
Every person I have fought against with this strategy (8 people), and have only lost once (both enemies ganged up on Dusclops), I guess I'm just lucky that not many people happen to have the utility necessary to stop my strategy. But I agree there are a tonne of problems with it.

"Prankster only increases your priority by 1, so Trick Room will still go last - therefore if you run out of trick room and have whimsicott in, the opponent can just pummel shuckle in that time"
Yes, I KNOW trick room won't go first -_- I meant other moves will go first such as such as sunny day and memento, helping hand will go first regardless. I was just saying it's a possibility.

"Even with gargantuan base 230 defenses, attacks like Kingdra's Hydro Pump in rain still get the OHKO"
"Multi-hit moves get through Focus Sash as well, as does passive damage from hail and sandstorm"
Duh! Whimsicott with sunny day is there to fix weather problems. Pokemon with multi-hit moves (except for Cloyster perhaps) are highly unlikely to survive Shuckle's carnage, especially with a +2 memento. If you're still worried, you could replace Whimsicott's trick room with, the ol' switcheroo! Whimsicott could give Shuckle a Choice band to up his attack to staggering levels.

"Wide Guard means Shuckle can't attack at all anymore, since both Rock Slide and Earthquake are multi-target moves"
Have you battled ANYONE who had wide guard in one of their Pokemon's movesets? Because I sure as heck haven't.

"Will-o-Wisp. Cut's Shuckle's offensive prowess by half."
Aside from DW Sableye and bulky ghost types, Shuckle doesn't fear will-o-wisp.

But aside from the previous comments, some of your comments were very real threats, so thanks for letting me know!