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"For one week we can have a new Gen VI Pokemon discussion, then after that week is over I put up a topic on Mega Evolutions, then after that a topic on old Pokemon in general, then a final topic on weather. The time lapse between topics would be to center the discussion and make it more focused, rather than dividing all the people and their opinions."

I will post an answer for every Pokemon, in order of appearance in the Pokedex. Comment with your speculations about tier placement and roles in the metagame. This is not for movesets however, we have the moveset questions for that.

I will also have an answer to comment upon about what effect you believe the Fairy type will have on Gen VI.

Do not upvote this question or any of my answers please.

closed with the note: Well done for discovering this. Please don't bump it.
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Pokemaster, this is SCREAMING "we need a forum". JS. :)
The forum was meant to come for the arrival of x and y but I guess its not happening anymore.

trachy can we do mega evos also? I've got a lot to say about them but not really the rest xD
As I said above, I was planning on doing a Mega Evo thread next week (sooner if this thread dies before then). This way we don't have all of our competitive discussion split up and we can have more meaningful debates on the one subject.

37 Answers

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With mega launcher boosting pulse and aura moves by50% and with a very solid spatk stat i can definitely see him hurting with aura sphere dark pulse and dragon pulse but he lacks speed and i cannot see him sweeping without trick room. Im gonna have to guess RU or UU but more leaning to RU but im kinda new to cempetitive play i could be wrong
NU, possibly RU. It hits incredibly hard, and has great type coverage. It is also fairly bulky. However, it has no boosting moves and is very slow. It will either be a Pokemon who very rarely sees RU usage or it will be a very dangerous Specs tank in NU.
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I think this one will be RU. It can hit well with 109 base special attack and speed, and has access to Grass Knot, Surf and Volt Switch. An annoying version an use Eerie Impulse and in double, Electrify will render Breloom's Bullet Seed an Electric Attack, thus hitting hard flying Pokémon, it's primary weakness.

Heliolisk is really growing in me. RU. That's my verdict. It's too frail and outclassed for higher tiers but it outclasses the plethora of NU electric Pokémon such as Zebstrika, Manectric, Raichu and the other.
I think UU. Heliolisk is weak to common moves like Earthquake, it won't function well in OU.  An immunity to Water attacks is nice, though.
I agree with the RU verdict, just based off the fact that it is really just a better version of Manectric. Of course, I don't think it will be a large part of the RU metagame.

It has too low of stats to be worth using in UU, a tier which has Raikou and Zapdos, who are just two far superior Electric types.
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This fellow has some decent bulk and wicked attack, but I think that due to fairy's and his rather cruddy speed stat we won't be seeing him in OU at all. UU definite possibility, but I'm thinking he may only even make RU :/
I'm not sure about this guy's tier yet, either UU or RU. I think he'll work decently as a physically bulky offensive SR setter, with something like SR, Roar/Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw, and Stone Edge. I can also see a Scarf set to get the jump on faster threats and KO.
I think he'll be RU based off speed and the fact that Fairy causes Dragon some additional problems this Gen.
also his completely garbage spdef gets him killed by anything special attack. he is aggron with out a 4x weakness. id say ru or uu
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Is there any doubt that this guy will be NU? It has a horrible typing, nothing to abuse Refrigerate with, not that great of a support movepool, and Snow Warning is probably almost useless in this Gen.
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Florges vs Sylveon, that is the question. Essentially they're identical. However, from what it seems anything Sylveon can do in terms of offense and special defense Florges can do better, but Sylveon's higher HP makes it better suited for wish passing. Then again, there's already a big fat special wall wish passer gradually strolling her fat folds across the Ou metagame along with her eviolite abusing younger sister. Sylveon, in my opinion, will be pushed out of Ou by florges, and in UU, will become a more offensive Umbreon alternative. But then again I never really knew what to make of Sylveon as soon as the bowed beast came out.
I've been finding Sylveon to be a better Pokemon than Florges. The additional bulk on its physical side thanks to that higher HP stat has proved to be useful. So I think Sylveon will take the OU spot (that is if they don't both take it.)
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This one is a great counter to fighting lead such as Breloom and Conkeldurr. But in OU, Mamoswine's Ice Shard will reduce it to oblivion. It has not got much of a bulk, and have all around mediocre stats. UU may be too much for him ; ParaHax Togekiss or Jirachi can care of it and resist its STAB. It has access to Dig, which makes it viable in Doubles. Steel Wing may help it to hit hard fairies. Rock Slide and X-Scissors are some alternative. Problem is, it doesn't have a real Flying STAB if not Flying Gem Acrobatics, but I'm sure Archeops is better at that. I think it's either RU or NU.
=/ I'd actually think this guy would be in UU or similar. Unburden + STAB Acrobatics off base 92 attack is pretty good, and it gets access to Swords Dance.
This is not false, although it wouldn't be too much used in UU.
Although gligar and slowbro will pretty much halt it in UU, it's great STAB combination and speed alone will make it a premier fighting type, and although it may not have the muscle power to be a titan in ou, in UU, where many pokemon like Scrafty and Crobat have found offensive success with similar attack stats, I think Hawlucha will find UU comfortable.
I agree with the UU statement. Fighting/Flying is just such an amazing typing, both in terms of offense and defense (as I think the only other Fighting/Flying we've seen has proven quite handily). Its powerful STAB attacks help make up for the lower Attack stat and its high Speed along with Unburden makes it basically the fastest thing in the tier a lot of the time. It can fairly easily set up a Swords Dance, thanks to Encore access punishing any status move used. It's also decent pivot with U-Turn.
Correction : BL and the worst at that
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A lesser cute version of Pikachu ? With mediocre stats ? An inexistant movepool apart from electric attacks ? I regret it's efficace typing. Straight to NU. Nuff said'.
Correction: Dedenne melts my heart, how can you say that?
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I see this thing NU alone. But it can be used as a screen setter in double.
I could see it a little higher considering that despite it's bad HP, those defenses + Toxic and something to make sure this little guy never meets a steel type he could work in RU or even UU. Not mentioning it can set rocks.
This thing is basically Shuckle with a Dragon type immunity. And since such an immunity becomes less and less important in the lower tiers, and since it will never see use in OU because Scizor is a god there, I can only see this thing being NU. It does basically nothing for the team that another Pokemon isn't able to do. You just have better Screeners, better walls, better support Pokemon in general. NU, and not an important part of the NU metagame.
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If drizzle rain were permanent, I' automatically put this thing in Ou as the premier special wall for rain teams, outclassing vaporeon in terms of rain synergy. However, as rain can only last a maximum of 8 turns, Goodra will not be the monster it could be. However, its somewhat reliable defensive typing and massive special defense means that it will likely still find a home in Ou in my opinion, as one of the slew of niche special walls like Gastrodon, Celebi, etc, and its good special attack means it will be able to hold its own offensively
Agreeably stated I think it'll be seeing a lot of OU use especially from people like me, lol.
I will say that I've been finding it to be horrible, but I haven't used it in Rain. My own thoughts of it are as an UU Pokemon and that it is outclassed by Latias when it comes to wally dragons, but I guess Hydration+Rest would be pretty good and might be enough to make it OU. It has a huge problem with other Dragons though.
The worst pseudo-legendary pokemon. This is such a wasted opportunity, as they could've given it a mega evolution since it is the psuedo-legendary of the region where mega evolution was introduced. They gave this thing nothing good. Poor physical bulk, low speed stat, its UnderUsed in generation 6. It later dropped to RarelyUsed in gen 7 and will likely keep falling from that point on. Why couldn't this thing get something special like Kommo-o, Metagross, and Salamence did?
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Sableye with Thunder Wave, perfect. I think it will become RU or possibly UU with its decent bulk, massive amount of resists and priority T-Wave, even with the nerf to Paralysis and hazards (Defog). It would have needed recovery to truly shine though, so I doubt it getting higher than UU.
I agree with Flaf, but wanted to add that he doesn't get access to Taunt, so opposing pokemon can set up all over him.
I agree with an RU statement. It basically has the role of Screen setting and the role of Spikes laying, and sometimes of paralyzing. It can't do much outside of that. It's good at what it does, but that isn't really the most useful way to go with a team slot, especially with the aforementioned Defog buff causing hazards some trouble.
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85/76/82 bulk a 115 base attack and Horn leech says he's gonna be trying to be a tank, but he's weak to a lot of common type moves and will probably be stuck in RU. I'd say UU if he got leech seed.
You can read my Gourgeist post for reasons on why I think this guy will be NU. In NU, Gourgeist will probably see more use thanks to vastly superior physical bulk and not that much of a difference in its other stats.
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RU. This guys has decent bulk for sure, and he has access to Will-o-wisp, Toxic, TR, Confuse Ray, and Pain Split( + base 65 HP stat) could make him a useful asset. But his flaw, not enough resistances and too many weaknesses. You could switch into a pokemon that cannot even touch you and use Confuse Ray and do a bit of status before ending with Explosion to throw in a bit of damage, but otherwise, what he has in bulk, he lacks in resistances. So RU it is (most likely)
It's got solid stats, but those five weaknesses will probably set it back. It also doesn't have all that powerful of STAB attacks. It's useful for if you want a Pokemon that can counter Fighting while also switching into Grass type status. But is the teamslot you saved really worth it for this guy, especially with the number of powerful Psychic and Grass types you can use in RU? I believe that NU is the place for this guy, and that it will see a good amount of use, although it won't be one of the main Pokemon in that metagame.
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184 base defense and 95 HP says we have a new monstrous physical wall.
Recovery also came in just to make that more awesome.
I think Avalugg will be seeing some serious UU usage as a Spinner, Staller, or maybe tank.
It doesn't matter how high that defense and HP is, it's an Ice type, which makes it horrible when it comes to walling. Look at little old Regice, a far better Special Wall than Avalugg is a physical wall. NU. Avalugg might reach RU usage just based off the fact that it has Rapid Spin, but I feel that there it would be outclassed by Cryogonal, whose Levitate makes it more useful as a spinner since it can avoid the Spike based hazards. Avalugg would just switch in and take 50% damage and bad poison. If it was NU, it could find a place in the tier thanks to the dearth of spinners. Spinning still wouldn't be that viable in the tier, but it could have a niche on teams that need a spinner.

Edit: Just learned Defog now removes hazards. Yeah, I think there are plenty of Pokemon in NU who would be better as spinners now.
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Noivern doesn't have much to offer over other special Dragons apart from a nice Speed stat. Lacking an offensive stat over base 100 in quite bad, and it has that part Flying type that does nothing but hinder it with a SR weakness as Hurricane was made a lot worse this Gen due to the weather nerf. It does serve as a good U-Turn scout however; its essentially a special Flygon with a worse typing.

Noivern's movepool is pretty good, though that's the same with pretty much every other Dragon in the game barring a few legendaries. I see RU for this thing; possibly UU, but I doubt that. Fairies really will trouble it due to its inability to hit them with anything barring the rather mediocre Steel Wing.
I can see this pokemon being either RU or UU its speed is greta for U-turn scoutinf as alreadg stated but a move for that i think is overlooked is boomburst a massive 140 power 100 accuracy and no negative side effects. Sure its a nornal type move having trouble with ghost pokemon and not beingsuper effective to anything but its a powerful move to use against fairies and even has flamethrower to cover weakness to ice but its lacking in special attack if it could be a little higher then we would definitely get more out of this pokemon
A better scout than Flygon thanks to higher Speed and Frisk, although with a weakness to Rocks and a less powerful U-Turn.  
Boomburst does give it a good hard hit against Fairy types, and Flamethrower deals with Steel types handily.
I'd say UU.
its only job outside of UU is KOing pre-ban greninja with specs draco meteor.
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Uber, and one of the best at that. The most noticeable thing is that it has immunity to Dragon in a tier full of Dragons. This alone would have given it a place in the upper echelons of the tier. But it is also one of the most dangerous sweepers in the tier. With a Power Herb, it can get +2 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense, and +2 Speed in a single turn thanks to Geomancy. The only real problem with it is that it's movepool isn't the greatest, and it will have problems with Steel Arceus and the random OU Steel types that usually come up in Ubers. If you can clear these first though, Xerneas can easily sweep.
If any Steel types, or Dialga for that matter can tank at least a +2 move from Xerneas and can Roar it out, it will not be able to use Geomancy effectively anymore. That would be a decent counter to it. So yes, like you said, Steel has got to go if Xerneas wants to pull an effective sweep.
From using Xerneas first hand in battlespot i would definitely say uber however its move pool doesnt grant anything to deal with steel which stops its geomancy sweep in its tracks. The seemingly overused mega mawile is usually the one to stop this.
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STAB Sucker Punch is actually going to be fairly useful thanks to the horror that is Mega Mewtwo Y. It's a 190 Special Attack, 140 Speed Pokemon that hits with a base 100 power STAB attack and godly coverage.

Yveltal unfortunately takes 25% from Stealth Rock and apparently doesn't have base 100 Speed. Fairy is also super effective against Dark, and I assume Fairy Arceus and Xerneas will be popular Pokemon due to the omnipresence of Dragon types in the tier. Dark isn't a bad typing, not by a long shot. And Yveltal isn't a bad Pokemon either. However, I don't see it being used much outside of Mewtwo killing.
I can see a Mixed LO set worked amazing, courtesy of Oblivion Wing restoring its health, and Sucker Punch.
How good is mixed sweeping in Ubers?
Mixed sweeping in Ubers is very good. If your opponent choose Reshiram and you are ready with Rock Slide, OHKO. If they prefer Mewtwo, Dark Pulse will smash them away. And Yveltal is from now on, after Reshiram, my favorite legendary Pokémon. Straight to the Uber tier, where it will shine. Nuff said'.
With the amount of heavy walls it really varies. Blissey can wall mixed sweepers quite well with wish and 0 / 252 / 252 while Giratina can also run Will-O-Wisp and 252 / 0 / 252.
So it really depends, with hazard support a mixed sweep can work really well.
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I disagree with the idea that Coil would make this thing OU. On Zygarde, you can basically ignore the Accuracy boost, since really only Dragon Tail and possibly Stone Edge are going to be the only things that need it. So you basically have Bulk Up. Last time I checked, Bulk Up doesn't make a Pokemon OU. With meh offenses, a low Speed, and a fairly poor defensive typing (Ground pretty much neutralizes all the awesome resists it gets. Lack of recovery also hurts it. And it's ability seems useless outside of Ubers, which this thing is certainly not.

I'd say UU based off all of this.
In UU could it contend with Flygon? I'm thinking not as Zygarde seems to be more of a set-up attacker as opposed to Scarf/Band like Flygon.
Well if you can set up a Sub + Coil, you may be fine in RU. The only way that Zygarde can kill Flygon is to have an Impish 252 HP/252 Def Zygarde who will take 73-87% from Flygons Banded outrage and return with a OHKO from his own unboosted Outrage. Otherwise, he is doomed to RU.
I think Zygarde and Flygon can both have their places in the tier. A Dragon type with a Dance under its belt is always something to fear, and Dragon/Ground is difficult to wall (especially now that Crunch can be used to handle Bronzong).