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This is mostly trivia, but I've always wondered this. And you don't have to include Megas but you can if you want to.

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Other than Eevee losing his Normal type, I don't think any pokémon lose a type. Even with Mega Evolutions I think only Mega Charizard X loses Flying for Dragon.
No, I'm sure there are more. Scyther to Scizor for one, and Aggron loses Rock with mega evolution.
Please don't answer if you're not 100% sure...

3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Update: As of Gen 9

Type lose due to Evolution

  • Gloom -> Bellosoom (Grass/Poison --> Grass)
  • Onix -> Steelix (Rock/Ground -> Steel/Ground)
  • Exeggcute -> Exeggutor-Alola (Grass/Psychic -> Grass/Dragon)
  • Cubone -> Marowak-Alola (Ground -> Fire/Ghost)
  • Scyther -> Scizor (Bug/Flying -> Bug/Steel)
  • Scyther -> Kleavor (Bug/Flying -> Bug/Rock)
  • Eevee -> Eevee-evolutions (Normal -> Water, Electric, Fire, Psychic, Dark, Grass, Ice or Fairy)
  • Azurill -> Marill (Normal/Fairy -> Water/Fairy)
  • Pupitar -> Tyranitar (Rock/Ground -> Rock/Dark)
  • Kirlia -> Gallade (Psychic/Fairy -> Psychic/Fighting)
  • Nincada -> Ninjask (Bug/Ground -> Bug/Flying)
  • Nincada -> Shedinja (Bug/Ground -> Bug/Ghost)
  • Swablu -> Altaria (Normal/Flying -> Dragon/Flying)
  • Skorupi -> Drapion (Poison/Bug -> Poison Dark)
  • Fletchling -> Fletchinder (Normal/Flying -> Fire/Flying)
  • Skrelp -> Dragalge (Poison/Water -> Poison/Dragon)
  • Dartrix -> Decidueye (Grass/Flying -> Grass/Ghost)
  • Mime Jr. -> Galarian Mr. Mime (Psychic/Fairy -> Ice/Psychic)

Type lose due to Mega Evolution

  • Charizard -> Mega Charizard X (Fire/Flying -> Fire/Dragon)
  • Aggron -> Mega Aggron (Steel/Rock -> Steel)
  • Gyarados -> Mega Gyarados (Water/Flying -> Water/Dark)


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Edit: by vileplume you mean gloom

Agron is steel and rock
Done. (filler)
Mime Jr. to Mr. Mime Galarian Form (Psychic/Fairy -> Ice/Psychic).
2 votes

Upon evolving,

  1. Scyther → Scizor = Scizor loses the Flying type for the Steel type.
  2. Eevee → Any Eeveelution = Eevee loses its normal type for the new type provided by the Eeveelution.
  3. Pupitar → Tyranitar = Tyranitar loses the Ground type for the Dark type.
  4. Nincada → Ninjask + Shedinja = For Ninjask, the Ground type → Flying. For Shedinja, the Ground type → Ghost.
  5. Azurill → Marill = Azurill loses the Normal type to be Water.
  6. Skorupi → Drapion = Drapion loses the Bug type to be Poison / Dark.

Upon Mega-Evolving,

  1. Charizard → Mega Charizard X = Fire / Flying is replaced by Fire / Dragon.
  2. Gyarados → Mega Gyarados = Flying becomes Dark. What a surprise !
  3. Aggron → Mega Aggron = Pure Steel type only. Nuff said'

And that's it. Edit this answer if I've forgot a Pokemon, Editors and stronger !

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Snorunt isn't a Dark type - it's pure Ice
1 vote

Normal evolutions

Azurill - loses Normal type but gains Water type
Bellossom - loses Poison type
Eevee - changes type upon all 7 evolutions
Fletchling - loses Normal type but gains Fire type
Kirlia - loses Fairy type but gains Fighting type upon evolving into Gallade
Nincada - loses Ground type but gains Flying type as Ninjask and Ghost type as Shedinja
Onix - loses Rock type but gains Steel type
Pupitar - loses Ground type but gains Dark type
Scyther - loses Flying type but gains Steel type
Skorupi - loses Bug type but gains Dark type
Skrelp - loses Water type but gains Dragon type
Surskit - loses Water type but gains Flying type
Swablu - loses Normal type but gains Dragon type

Mega evolutions

Aggron - loses Rock type
Charizard - loses Flying type but gains Dragon type upon evolving into Mega Charizard X
Gyarados - loses Flying type but gains Dark type

I hid my answer
Rowlet also loses the Flying type to gain the Ghost type for when it evolves into Decidueye
Also, Altaria loses the Flying type and gains the Fairy type by Mega Evolving.
also drapion looses its bug typing
That's already on there under Skorupi