Okay, this will probably take a bit of time to get answered. Sorry KoD, JarJar and other point-greedy users. x3
Also, I'm sorry if you don't have Japanese character sets installed onto your computer, since this will have a bit of Japanese. :)
Well, I saw Serebii post this picture:

I am really having trouble translating this, however.
(I translated manually, I learnt Japanese)
What is the first word in the sentence? It says the word ひこう (pronounced 'hiko(u), as in the 'u' isn't said but it is written) , and I can't figure out what this says.
I'm not going to give you the incredibly hard job of translating this into the many forms of the word there is. (Seriously, don't bother helping me further by translating this. You will fail miserably, unless you know what you're doing. If you actually do know Japanese, feel free to help me)
By figuring this out, I want to ask this question. :D
If you don't want to read my problem's backstory, just skip here. xD
What does Cheren say to you that whole Xtransceiver session? Like, when you ring up Cheren on the Xtransciever in Black 2, he will say:
>Make sure you never run out of Poke Balls!
>You never know where you'll run into what Pokemon!
>You have to be ready and believe an opportunity will come your way!
When you select 'I'd like to talk'.
What option should you select in order for him to say:
>ひこう くさ でんき エスパー タイプの
>(hikou kusa denki esupaa taipu no)
And what else does he say?
I'm sorry if this is a little confusing, but I'll appreciate if you answer. :)
Please don't tell me what he says in English. I want to learn by translating him myself. :)
All help appreciated. :3