Hello !
I can speak french very well. So I know that the Ability "Damp" means "Humide" (Hydrated).
I also know that Politoed and Jellicent can have that ability and it happens that both of them are Water, so hydrated. Interesting, no ?
Damp may have some relation with Rain. And Damp states:
"Prevent a Pokemon to use Explosion or Selfdestruct".
So while Damp is, in other words and in french, "quand il y a de l'humidité, les Pokémon ne peuvent pas utiliser Explosion ou Destruction."
That means:
When Damp is in the field, Pokemon cannot use Explosion or Selfdestruct.
Otherwise, Damp = Humidité = Hydrated.
The question is:
Whenever there is Rain, so there is "Humidité = Damp = Hydrated Weather", can Pokemon use Selfdestruct or Explosion ? Because Damp will prevent this by its own.
Hope you understand my logic. ^^
All my wishes to everybody have a nice day :)