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Usually for in game Fire Red I usually use Heracross, Electabuzz, and Nidoking on my team for the reason in order to sweep all the trainers I run into even gym battles. So my question is are these 3 on a team in game a good match up, do they belong as sweepers or are they supposed to be used differently, and if they are not as good as other Pokemon in the game who should I replace them with and why?

Some pokémons are good sweepers in gen 3: heracross (4 attacking moves or endure-revesal-bulk up-rock slide), kingdra( attract-surf-ice beam-dragon breath), alakazam(3 element punches-psychic), houndoom ( crunch-flame thrower-sunny day-solar beam)... Electabuzz is not a good choice because its ATK is low, while its SP.ATK is only used for electric moves. Manectric may be better. Nidoking is also not very good in the role of sweeper with its low speed.
You may consider about some status sweepers: dusclop (protect-toxic- wil-o-wisp - seismic toss), venosaur ( toxic-leech seed- rest - protect), blissey (toxic-double team - refresh - sob boilder)
What are you able to trade?

1 Answer

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Best answer

Heracross is the best out of all of them as it has access to Bulk Up being able to set up and raise its attack and defence by one stage and then OHKO everything with Brick Break/Mega Horn/Earthquake/Rock Slide. You might want to be able to have other Pokemon to either set up hazards or cripple the opponent before setting up depending on the trainer. Hopefully, this helps :)

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ah my grammar check, thank you