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One or more for each stat?

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Every single Pokémon that is not a legendary. Please be more clear. Which stat?
name one pokemon with the highest EVs giving off when you beat it.
ex.] Audino = + 2 health EVs ; there are alot with the same # of EVs it gives, so name the one thats the easiest to find. hope this helps : )
P.S. I am playing on Black 2
I still don't get it… there are a lot of Pokémon though

1 Answer

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All Pokemon EV rates are given here. Though I'll give recommendations

HP: Amoonguss (2), Foongus (1), Alomomola (2), and Palpitoad (2)
Attack: Pidove (1), Lilipup (1), Gurrdurr (2), Leavanny (3), Cubchoo (1), and Beartic (2)
Defense: Roggenrola (1), Durant (2), Ferroseed (1), and Whrilipede (2)
SpAttack: Litwick (1), Lampent (2), Heatmoar (2), Vanilite (1), and Solosis (1)
SpDefense: Cryogonal (2), Gothita (1), and Frilish (1)
Spd: Deerling (1), Basculin (2), Minnoco (1), Woobat (1), Blitzle (1)

Some of these may give off multiple EVs so be careful.

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