PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Colosseum on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. This isn't restricted to the four moves you'll finish with post-game!
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team, use a team of six Pokemon, and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Avoid recommending Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches or cheats.
  4. Original teams only; don't post teams you found somewhere else, e.g. YouTube.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

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Moves are required
i guess... but thanks
Go TeamWork!

4 Answers

1 vote

Umbreon @ Quick Claw
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 212 HP / 252 SpA / 44 Spe
- Helping Hand
- Faint Attack
- Psychic
- Protect

Umbreon kinda sucks but I keep it because it is the starter along with Espeon. Usually it just ends up supporting with Helping Hand. Faint Attack is STAB that goes through evasion, which is helpful when facing the AI. Psychic is coverage.

Espeon @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 212 HP / 252 SpA / 44 Spe
- Psychic
- Psybeam
- Light Screen
- Helping Hand

Poor movepool but Psychic can do some heavy damage. Psybeam is for when you run out of PP with Psychic. Helping Hand and Light Screen support the team.

Raikou @ Scope Lens
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
- Crunch
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder
- Rain Dance

Crunch is coverage. Thunderbolt is STAB. Thunder is also STAB, used when either you run out of Thunderbolt or when Rain Dance is up. Rain Dance supports Suicune.

Suicune @ BrightPowder
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 12 HP / 252 SpA / 244 Spe
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Protect
- Reflect

Surf is an excellent move in Double Battles, especially in Gen III where it only hits the opponents. Ice Beam is coverage. Reflect is team support.

Hitmontop @ Black Belt
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- Brick Break
- Protect
- Return
- Revenge

While there might be better Fighting types, Hitmontop has the advantage of Intimidate, one of the best Double Battle abilities. Brick Break is STAB, as is Revenge. Return is neutral coverage.

Flygon @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 132 SpA / 124 Spe
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- DragonBreath
- Crunch

Earthquake is a good reason why Flygon is here. DragonBreath is STAB. Fire Blast and Crunch are coverage.

You can get Flygon?
Legendaries are noobish. Also, I don't think you can get Helping Hand on Umbreon without trading. Bite is more useful than Faint Attack because the AI doesn't use evasion that much anyway. Psybeam is pointless since you can go and heal almost any time. You should use Return or something. Also, why get Light Screen when you get Reflect from the beginning anyway? Neither is really better than the other.
0 votes

I'm currently playing through my game (not done yet) so the movesets need work, as well as the fact that I don't recall the items they are holding at this point. Anyway, here is my in-game team.

Umbreon (Name: Deimos)
- Secret Power
- Faint Attack
- Confuse Ray
- Toxic

Everyone I know has used the Espeon. Being a more unconventional player, I decided to toss this to the wind and use Umbreon. With access to tons of useful status moves and solid defensive stats it's an exceptional support Pokemon, although it isn't too strong.

Meganium (Name: Biscuit)
- Sunny Day
- Synthesis
- Light Screen
- Razor Leaf / SolarBeam

Meganium is one of my favorite starters. Even though Quilava and Croconaw are better in most people's opinion, I have always favored defense over offense. It can stay on the field for a long time thanks to Synthesis, which is one thing it has over Umbreon, and Razor Leaf is useful against both opponents in battle.

Ampharos (Name: Blackout)
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Cotton Spore

Ampharos is moderately bulky and has plenty of Special Attack to utilize. Thunder Wave and Cotton Spore are used to aid in catching Shadow Pokemon. Aside from Raikou, it's the best Electric type you can obtain in my opinion, despite its low speed.

Mantine (Name: Lester)
- Wing Attack
- BubbleBeam
- Supersonic
- Take Down

Early game, Mantine is a fantastic Water type with loads of power and bulk behind it. However, as you go through the game, its usefulness declines as other Water types with far better movepools outclass it, especially those with access to Surf. I simply adore this Pokemon, however, so I've kept it all the way through. If you don't like my decision, look for a Water Type with Surf, like Quagsire or Qwilfish. However, if you do decide to use Mantine, it won't disappoint. Hopefully.

Stantler (Name: Randolph)
- Take Down
- Astonish
- Hypnosis
- Leer

Are you tired of a far-too-heavy focus on bulk and not enough physical power? Yeah, so was I. I didn't really think this through. Anyway, those problems were remedied by the entrance of Stantler! Although it's a tad late, a physical force was very much welcome on my team. While Take Down has recoil problems it has a lot of power behind it, and Hypnosis helps catch late-game Shadow Pokemon. Although normally Stantler isn't considered, it's very useful in Colosseum. And did I mention Intimidate? It's one of the best abilities in the game.

Flygon (Name: Ribbon)
- Earthquake
- DragonBreath
- Crunch
- Slash (I think)

Another thing that was dragging my team was the presence of Electric type foes, especially Magnemite and Magneton. Flygon became my saving grace in this aspect. It has incredible offensive prowess along with decent bulk and has access to incredibly powerful moves. Although it's available sort of late in the game and Vibrava is difficult to raise, Flygon's payoff is more than worth it.

So there's my team. Feel free to take ideas or edit it to your liking!


0 votes

Umbreon @ BlackGlasses / Silk Scarf
Ability: Synchronize
- Bite
- Secret Power
- Confuse Ray
- Toxic

This is a very tanky Pokemon and it really helps to take hits while just sitting there, not taking damage. It can status many Pokemon easily. Held item is for whichever attack you like to use more.

Espeon @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic
- Reflect
- Return
- Helping Hand / Protect

It can attack and support its team very well. It can raise the team's Defense or power up their attacks. If you choose Protect, it can also let a Pokemon with Earthquake hit both opponents without hitting Espeon.

Hariyama @ Black Belt
Ability: Whichever you prefer, but I like Thick Fat more than Guts.
- Cross Chop
- SmellingSalt
- Belly Drum
- Vital Throw

Cross Chop is VERY powerful. SmellingSalt can be good to heavily damage a paralyzed Pokemon, and is good if you have something like Ampharos with Thunder Wave. Belly Drum can make it almost unstoppable with a huge Attack boost, but at the cost of 1/2 HP.

Feraligatr @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Ice Beam / Blizzard
- Brick Break
- Earthquake

This moveset can hit on the physical or special side, and it does a LOT of damage and can be super effective against a lot of Pokemon.

Magcargo @ Quick Claw
Ability: Flame Body (It's better than Magma Armor, anyway)
- Flamethrower
- Rock Slide
- Yawn
- Sunny Day / Light Screen

The first two moves have decent coverage and power. Yawn is great to snag Shadow Pokemon, and the last slot has a few options. Sunny Day can help Magcargo, but it weakens Feraligatr's Surf. Light Screen can be used to set up dual screens alongside Espeon.

Altaria @ Dragon Fang / Sharp Beak
Ability: Natural Cure
- Dragon Claw
- Fly
- Steel Wing / Iron Tail
- Sing / Fire Blast

Again, STAB on the first two moves. Steel-type coverage, and Sing can put Pokemon to sleep. If you prefer Yawn on Magcargo, you might like Fire Blast for more coverage. Steel-types normally wall Altaria, so Fire Blast can counter them.

TM Locations
- TM06 Toxic: Battle the Pyrite Colosseum for the first time.
- TM27 Protect: Buy at The Under Shop.
- TM13 Ice Beam: Buy using Poke Coupons at Mt. Battle.
- TM14 Blizzard: Buy at The Under Shop.
- TM31 Brick Break: Battle the Pyrite Colosseum for the fifth time.
- TM26 Earthquake: Found in an item box after defeating Ein at the Shadow Pokemon Lab.
- TM31 Light Screen: Buy at The Under Shop.
- TM02 Dragon Claw: Battle the Deep Colosseum for the fourth time.
- TM47 Steel Wing: Found in Mt. Battle's lobby after defeating Dakim.
- TM23 Iron Tail: Battle the Under Colosseum for the fourth time.
- TM37 Fire Blast: Buy at The Under Shop.

0 votes

Umbreon @ Black Glasses
- Feint Attack
- Confuse Ray
- Toxic
- Moonlight

He's useful for snatching and stalling out the opponent. Feint Attack is there so he has something to attack with.

Espeon @ TwistedSpoon / Spell Tag
- Psychic
- Reflect
- Shadow Ball
- Morning Sun

Reflect because you get Earthquake spammed later on. Shadow Ball was physical at the time, so you may want to consider Spell Tag instead.

Ampharos @ Amulet Coin?
- Thunderbolt / Thunder
- Thunder Wave
- Light Screen
- Focus Punch / Rain Dance

Magnet isn't available, so give it what you think is useful. Give it Rain Dance if you learn Thunder for better accuracy.

Feraligatr @ Mystic Water
- Surf
- Ice Beam / Blizzard
- Brick Break
- Protect

You can choose between three starters early on, and I chose Croconaw. It comes with Mystic Water to boost Surf.

Medicham @ Black Belt
- High Jump Kick
- Detect
- Reversal
- Recover

For a Fighting type, it's a battle between Makuhita, Meditite and Hitmontop.
Hitmontop can support with Intimidate.
Hariyama has survivability with Thick Fat.
Medicham is strong with Pure Power.

Flygon @ Soft Sand
- Earthquake
- Screech
- Fire Blast
- Crunch

Vibrava arrives a little later, but it quickly evolves into Flygon with the useful Levitate ability.


- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Return / Hyper Beam

Tyranitar is the most powerful non-legendary in the game. Just keep in mind that Crunch was special at the time.

- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Psychic
- Pursuit / Protect

Metagross has beastly stats and a great defensive typing. It has no 4x weaknesses, so it's hard to KO.

- Rain Dance
- Thunder
- Crunch
- Reflect / Calm Mind

Raikou is fast and one of the best special sweepers in the game.

- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rest / Rain Dance

Suicune is hard to KO and even harder to stop once it gets rolling with Calm Mind and its high defenses.

- Sunny Day
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Calm Mind

Less fragile than other Fire types.

- Megahorn
- Focus Punch / Brick Break
- Reversal
- Endure

Heracross isn't considered because it arrives very late in the game. Nonetheless, it is one of the most feared Pokemon and many of its counters can lose to it.
