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Why is she a trainer in the anime but a Gym Leader/Champion in the games?

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2 Answers

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Best answer

It is possible that the games take place in a different time period then the anime. For example, Iris's goal in the anime is to become a Dragon master, and in the game she has achieved that goal. So it only makes sense that the game would take place later.

Hope I helped! :)

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Thanks! You have helped.
I love that awnser
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In the anime, after Iris battles Drayden (but loses), she is offered a place at Opelucid Gym as co-leader. This indicates the game is most probably set after Iris finishes her adventures with Ash and Cilan, and takes up the offer to be co-leader. In the game, you only battle Iris, so assume that Drayden gave her his gym leader responsibilities (he's mayor as well, after all).

If you have memory link in B2W2, which takes place 2 years after BW, it will show you a conversation between Iris and Drayden, in which Iris has just beaten Alder and become Unova Champion.

It also shows her donning her pink Champion's gown.

So that means the main character we play as in Black/White starts his journey in Unova after Ash, Cilan and Iris.
If you want to connect the anime and game storylines, then yes. It makes a bit less sense though when you think that N has done all that Plasma stuff in the anime before Ash & Cilan even met him, so it might be best to not think too much about the joining the storylines.