PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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There are ten types currently in the TCG, but 17 in the games. For what reason is this the case?


4 Answers

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Best answer

Atsushi Nagashima, director of the Pokemon Trading Card Game, addressed this question in a 2020 interview.

Creatures opted to condense the types so that the game could be simple while also offering depth. In Pokemon video games, you can have 17 different types of Pokemon and the game engine will handle it, but with a tabletop game it's hard to remember compatibility between all those difference types. Fewer types prevent the game from becoming too difficult.

If you'd like to read the rest of Mr. Nagashima's thoughts, they can be found here.

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The TCG has not made symbols for all the types yet so they use the same symbols for some types.For example psychic, ghost, and poison all share the same symbol.

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1 vote

I have wondered this myself and I have come to these conclusions:

1) Types like water and ice are too closely nit in real life to be separated. (Water freezes into ice and ice melts into water. Common knowledge there)

2) Saves time and money to print out the cards.

3) Makes the card came simpler and more competitive for players.

4) They are just being lazy.

I hope I made some sense and hopefully answered this question correctly. If not, I can always edit this.

But that's not a legitiment reason.
I know, but we can't really answer this without speculation, unless someone knows the reason why or is in the company.
1 vote

In the TCG, a Pokemon's attacks are the type the Pokemon is. The Pokemon cannot have several types, only 1. For example, if an electric Emolga card knew Acrobatics, Acrobatics would be Electric, just like Emolga. If there were so many types, then it would actually be rare to have a super-effective or not very effective matchup. I hope this helps.
