For a start, is this doable? I know it will be out-slowed by things such as slowbro, but could this work as a TR sweeper?
Brave nature (+atk, -spd)
EV's: 252atk, 252spdef, 4def
Held item: life orb or expert belt?
Crabhammer-stab, high critical hit ratio, great power
Crunch/night slash-stab, also great power
Superpower-for ferrothorn, the only thing that could otherwise wall Crawdaunt.
Swords dance- boost his already huge power
Defense ev's give him a but more bulk to survive some hits since his def is not that great, especially spdef. Adaptability + swords dance will make his attacks beastly. I guess my question is: is he slow enough to be a viable trick room sweeper?
Edit: his base 55 speed makes him slower than rampardos