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You can calculate it yourself: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_effort_value_yield - tbh, it's not a good idea to use the league as any form of EV training because the Pokemon have all the EVs that you need. You should EV train after you beat the game.
It was just out of curiosity, and I've beaten the elite 4 four times already.

2 Answers

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If you really want to know, this is it then:
E4 Will:

  1. Brongzong - EV YIELD:1 Defense, 1 Special Defense
  2. Jynx- EV YIELD: 2 Special Attack
  3. Grumpig- EV YIELD: 2 Special Defense
  4. Slowbro- EV YIELD: 2 Defense
  5. Gardevoir- EV YIELD: 3 Special Attack
  6. Xatu- EV YIELD: 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed

E4 Koga:

  1. Skunktank- EV YIELD: 2 HP
  2. Toxicroak- EV YIELD: 2 Attack
  3. Swalot- EV YIELD: 2 HP
  4. Venomoth- EV YIELD: 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed
  5. Muk- EV YIELD: 1 HP, 1 Attack
  6. Crobat- EV YIELD: 3 Speed

E4 Bruno:

  1. Hitmontop- EV YIELD: 2 Special Defense
  2. Hitmonlee- EV YIELD: 2 Attack
  3. Hitmonchan- EV YIELD: 2 Special Defense
  4. Hariyama- EV YIELD: 2 HP
  5. Machamp- EV YIELD: 3 Attack
  6. Lucario- EV YIELD: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack

E4 Karen:

  1. Umbreon- EV YIELD: 2 Special Defense
  2. Weavile- EV YIELD: 1 Attack, 1 Speed
  3. Spiritomb- EV YIELD: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense
  4. Honchkrow- EV YIELD: 2 Attack
  5. Houndoom- EV YIELD: 2 Special Attack
  6. Absol- EV YIELD: 2 Attack

Champion Lance:

  1. Salamence- EV YIELD: 3 Attack
  2. Garchomp- EV YIELD: 3 Attack
  3. Dragonite- EV YIELD: 3 Attack
  4. Charizard- EV YIELD: 3 Special Attack
  5. Altaria- EV YIELD: 2 Special Defense
  6. Gyarados- EV YIELD: 2 Attack

Phew, that took me a while.
Next time you should really just look it up

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In Heartgold/Soulsilver, these are the Elite Four's Pokemon's E.V.s...

#1 - Will - Type Psycic
Xatu (40) - Sp. Attack 1 - Speed 1
Jinx (41) - Sp. Attack 2
Exeggutor (41) - Sp. Attack 2
Slowbro (41) - Defense 2
Xatu (42) - Sp. Attack 1 - Speed 1

#2 - Koga - Type Poison
Araidos (40) - Attack 2
Vennomoth (41) - Sp. Attack 1 - Speed 1
Fortess (43) - Defense 2
Muk (42) - H.P. 1 - Attack 1
Crobat (44) - Speed 3

#3 - Bruno - Type Fighting
Hitmontop (42) - Sp. Defense 2
Hitmonlee (42) - Attack 2
hitmonchan (42) - Sp. Defense 2
Onix (43) - Defense 1
Machamp (46) - Attack 3

#4 - Karen - Type Dark (the best type ever)
Umbreon (42) - Sp. Defense 2
Vileplume (42) - Sp. Attack 3
Gengar (45) - Sp. Attack 3
Murkrow (44) - Speed 1
Houndoom (47) - Sp. Attack 2

Champion - Lance - Type Dragon

Gyrados (44) - Attack 2
Dragonite (49) - Attack 3
Dragonite (49) - Attack 3
Aerodactyl (48) - Speed 2
Charizard (48) - Sp. Attack 3
Dragonite (50) - Attack 3

And here's the total of all of the E.V.'s...
Attack - 19
Defense - 5
Sp. Attack - 10
Sp. Defense - 6
Speed - 9

You really shouldn't E.V. train in the Elite Four, instead jsut train on common Pokemon in the routes :D

Reread the second comment on the question please. ;)