Firstly, Bug Bite > Brick Break to make full use of Technician, and I would much rather give it a Leftovers/ Roost or Life Orb/ Roost set, because then you can U-Turn out of a Magnezone trap. Also, there's no point in Choice Scarfing Scizor when you have no speed investment; even with Choice Scarf a lot of things will outspeed it, so if you wanted to keep your current EV spread, use a bulky set instead.
Main thing you need Rotom-W to deal with for Scizor is Heatran; I would suggest this set for Rotom-W:

Rotom-W @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 232 Sp. Def, 200 HP, 76 Sp. Atk
Nature: Clam
Hydro Pump
Volt Switch
Pain Split
Will-O-Wisp/ Thunder Wave
Specially defensive, since Heatrans are sp. attackers. You can also take the hit for water moves, since Scizor's special defence is mediocre, Surf/ Hydro Pump will do quite a bit of damage.
You can choose Will-O-Wisp in favour of Thunder Wave so you can take physical hits with ease too, or Thunder Wave to paralyse Heatran, your choice.