PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Ok, simple, once you get to vermillion you need to get CUT from the captain on the ship.............

Then go back to cruelean, and teach CUT to a Pokemon and use cut when your standing next to that tree in cruelean,

follow the path................... by going into the cave and making your way to lavender town.........

See the big tower in this town, beat your rival in it, then go left of this town and use the underground to get to the next town...............

go to the rocket game corner and speak to the guy next to the poster and fight him......

go to the far right from where you are standing and go down the stairs............

defeat team rocket here and once down the boss will give you a sliph scope.........

go climb the tower in lavender again and this time when you go batrtle the Pokemon and then the team rocket guys up the top.............

the old man will give you a flute..........

use this when standing next to a snorlax!


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wow man thanks !
No Prob
1 vote

FireRed LeafGreen
Routes 12 and 16


This is something you can find by searching on the Pokedex on this database.
