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An Eight ?'s item would be like [this.][1] You get (8 ?'s) from Decamarks.

Bulbapedia says it makes the migrated Pokemon glitched. I wonder if anyone has ever done that...

EDIT: Can I get a test of this to see what could happen for D/P, Pt, and HG/SS? I'm just curious to see what'd happen...
[1]: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ten_question_marks#Item

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So,this pokemon is ...a bulbasaur !wow!
Don't think anyone would test, due to the potential of ruining their game.
Thanks for bringing this back up Trachy.
i heard that you can send out a decamarks via the pomeg glitch on bulbapedia
just letting you know there is at least one way to get decamarks.
I just tested this for you , and nothing happened at all , I transferred the Pokemon to gen 4 and nothing happened at all , the game just ran normally.

(Edit) I just found this out after about 20mins of playing after I transsferred the Pokemon , it made the Pokemon look kind of distorted , its hard to explain.

1 Answer

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Best answer

“Decamarks,” isn’t just one item, it’s a placeholder for any item not defined by the game. Item ids take up four bytes in the game’s code, meaning that there are 65,536 slots available for different items. Gen 3 uses less than 400 of these slots and Gen 4 uses less than 600, so the vast majority of them are unused, and will be displayed as decamarks. I didn’t test every single one, but I tested a good handful from Emerald to both Platinum and HeartGold and found no difference between games.

While all decamarks look and act the same in Gen 3 games, I’ve found two variants that behave differently in terms of migration. The first variant are items that are undefined in Gen 3, but would be valid in Gen 4. A Pokémon holding these items are blocked from migration entirely. The second variant are items that are undefined in both Gen 3 and 4. A Pokémon holding one of these items can migrate, and will appear to be holding something in the migration menu, but once in the PC, it will be holding nothing.

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