PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User xSuperiorSerperiorx

Member for: 9 years (since Jan 8, 2015)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Female
Country: U.S.A.
Favorite Pokémon: 1. Delcatty (first ever self-trained level 100) 2. Serperior (3rd evo 4 first ever pokemon and my profile pokemon ) 3. Snivy (first ever pokemon) 4. Arcanine (LOVE the design) 5. Shiny Haxorus (what can i say, it looks beast) 6. Shiny Gardevoir/Gallade (first ever shinys (traded) ) 7. Shiny Absol (First ever shiny (encountered) )
Friend Codes: 3540 - 2291 - 4979
About me: Epic Asdf Quotes

Hello, Hello, Hello,... Hello! (mine turtle) Oh No! (explodes)
I wonder if my pony can fly.

Activity by xSuperiorSerperiorx

Score: 246 points (ranked #668)
Questions: 66 (41 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 3 (3 chosen as best)
Comments: 152
Voted on: 17 questions, 99 answers
Gave out: 113 up votes, 3 down votes
Received: 11 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for xSuperiorSerperiorx

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Nov 28, 2017 by Nightmare Springtrap
My first Pokemon was a Chimchar and my first Shiny was a Gastrodon. (I heard the Sparkles, I also saw the Sparkles, very slight difference, it was a shiny Gastrodon.) My first Self-Trained pokemon was a Hoopa.
Sep 28, 2017 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Aug 7, 2016 by xSuperiorSerperiorx
I died when I saw the asdf quote xD
Jul 17, 2016 by Adon Uchiha
I remember some FNAF joke with a mine turtle on it, lol.
Mar 4, 2016 by Qwerty_Zoom