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User superswablu

Member for: 5 years (since Jul 12, 2019)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Favorite Pokémon: Swablu Altaria Mareep Flaaffy Swirlix Mega Altaria Mega Ampharos Ampharos Wooloo and more.
Friend Codes: Discord username Meep#2955 Pokemongo friend code 6020 2754 5331 please post on my wall when sending a request also my pokemon showdown name is Fluff Absorb or blufrash.
About me: I like fluff and don't like it when People edit my stuff on pokebase. Also changed email to newly created gravatar and the email it shows feels weird :{ Please challenge me on showdown post your username on my wall and let me know time you can do it. p.s Please use central or eastern time.

Easter eggs in pokemon go type shiny and you see your shiny pokemon and for legendary you find your legendary pokemon and in showdown while trying KRLW890's easter eggs found out in showdown if you type smogon you find koffing also in pokemon go run away  in the oppisete direction of starters a few times pikachu spawns done it myself.

Shiny's 1 [pokemon quest] digglet

Also BEWARE of youtube. So i logged on to youtube and a spoiler for ultra legends for an episode only out in japan popped u. So if you are watching ultra legends then go to dailymotion and watch japan only episodes and beware of youtube till or beware of youtube till netflix has ultra legends.

Also turns out the youtuber is marriland not marilland but it should pop up either way. But if your watching him bookmark his channel and go from there.

Activity by superswablu

Score: 146 points (ranked #927)
Questions: 24 (23 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 27 (6 chosen as best)
Comments: 161
Voted on: 54 questions, 78 answers
Gave out: 132 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 7 up votes, 12 down votes

Wall for superswablu

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Apr 8, 2021 by BM™
how old are you if your born jan 1999
Dec 16, 2020 by Hellfire Taco
damn boi he ded
May 15, 2020 by SpillThePolteageist
Sometimes I get really depressed and just quit pokebase for awhile I was just talking to my sister about how life was pointless and then I read the comment you left about my radio head comment and it gave me a reason to live
Nov 19, 2019 by Friendly dog
If you have some issues then come to us directly. Ask politely and actually make sure you know what you're talking about.

You have been testing our patience for a while now. We've been consistently polite and have tried to confront you, ask you and explain to you what's going on multiple times.

Me and Hellfire_Taco are Editors because we were chosen to be. We know the rules way better than you, and know when and where to punish users or edit content.

We've been polite to you enough times now. This is the last of it. Either follow the rules and stop complaining or we simply won't deal with your nonsense any more. Don't tell us what we should be doing.
Sep 17, 2019 by PX
See my post below. Please actually make sure that a question isn't from 2011 before you comment on it. It's annoying for people to continuously disregard the rules after they've been directly told to stop.
Sep 17, 2019 by Hellfire Taco
PX isn't punishing him because swearing is allowed on the Showdown server. This is mentioned on the server thread (https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/28174/). Sorry, but you shouldn't use Showdown if swearing is a worry to you.
However, what I will act upon is people using harsh language to hurt other people, or people making NSFW conversations (which is disallowed per Showdown rules). I have now left two messages in the Showdown server about the latter, so hopefully that will stop. You can read my most recent one here. https://i.imgur.com/xfdcx9b.png
If you see more inappropriate conversations (i.e. hostile messages or posts about sex or drugs) then please screenshot them, and link them to me; I can't really act upon hearsay. However, please don't also tell me what I should do about it; we make decisions of our own in private.
Sep 15, 2019 by Fizz
Once again, please do not comment on old posts if you're not going to add anything helpful to the situation. Telling an inactive user that their Pokemon is hacked on a four year old question is not helpful.
Sep 13, 2019 by Hellfire Taco
Since my wall is becoming popular cause of the px/jimmy/taco thing i might as well recommend a youtuber. "MARILLAND!" He does great md playthroughs :]
Sep 13, 2019 by superswablu
So what do you suppose caused the post to be 'checked and approved' again if you think we're wrong? I'm not sure what the software regards to be old, but it may well be more recent than you think.
Do you have screenshots of what you saw on the DB server? I posted a message on the server regarding some mature content, but it's nothing I'm going to give bans for right now. These are people who've used the server for a long time. If you're using the server and they're making posts that are uncomfortable to you, ask them to stop. If they won't then I will make them.
For reference though, Polite Patamon is not melcakes. I've known these people for years.
Sep 11, 2019 by Fizz