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User sanntai489

Member for: 5 years (since Aug 7, 2019)
Type: Registered user
Gender: ------⚔⚔------PUT THIS ----⚔⚔-⚔⚔----RIBBON ---⚔⚔---⚔⚔---ON YOUR ---⚔⚔---⚔⚔---PAGE IF ---⚔⚔---⚔⚔---YOU BELIEVE A GOOD ----⚔⚔-⚔⚔---- OFFENSE -----⚔⚔⚔------ IS THE BEST ----⚔⚔-⚔⚔----
Country: JaPPAPan
Favorite Pokémon: see about me, the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and...on..zzz
Friend Codes:
About me: I am the youtuber that created the famous video back in 2013, red zone. It has 2M views, but I want to get to 5K subs. Sub to sanntai489!
My gravatar is my yt photo.
also i am retired from yt.
I AM 15 ON MARCH 21!!!!!
fav pokemon by type

 ELECTRIC sanntAIchu (raichu)
 ICE BachTic
 FLYING Ho-ho-ho! oh
 PSYCHIC Pokebase-METAgross
 BUG Get in the shed, ninja!
 ROCK Barbie-racle
 GHOST DCDUI (decidueye)
 DARK mega head, shoulders knees and toes, gyarados
STEEL DIAL the number if you smell GAS
 FAIRY Diantha-cie

To save the Earth from exploding!
To stop cyber bullying!

(insert name here)! (insert name here)! Magikarp!

And we stole Ash’s Pikachu! Finally!

Giovanni: is this what you call a Pikachu?

Pikachu: I JUST SH*T MY PANTS! *farts*
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Your still reading and your bored? Fine... I misheard the lyrics in my video of red zone and this is what I heard:

Incredible beats
Welcome back
Speed rave
Put It Up!
Yeah! Yeah!(Go! Go! Go Go Go!)
Put It Up!
(Go! Go! Go! Go!)
(Let's go!)
Use your flow All we need
The energy And I got the key It keeps me
Make a heart Sailin' too far
To the unit We're gonna do it Takin' it far
(Go! Go! Go! Go!)
The crowd Yo! Keepin' it raw!
I feel Big deal
Go MC's Keep it real
Best friend Too stressed to pull it
Under arrest Top-notchin'
State killa Run a audience
Then Don't, run
Run with the ghetto
It's not funny
Stay healthy
Young kids is coming
Measure up Stay, together
Tatsh, That's me
Get a feel
Feel how MCs heat the room
Better be real
Seek the devil, whatever
Under arrest
Stay together
Under arrest Bitch
Rollin' with the money
Runnin' with the ghetto
Playin' It's not funny
Stay colored
Step foot when I comin'
Break up, take it!
(Yeah. Uh! C'mon!)
Say Speed Rave!
Speed Rave!
Bring it back!
Bring it back!
(Go go go go go go! Let's go!)
Bring it back!
(Go go go go go go! Let's go!)
Say Speed Rave! Speed Rave!
Bring it back!
Bring it back!
(Go go go go go go! Let's go!)
Bring it back!
(Go go go go go go! Let's go!)
Yeah! Jump! Higher! Yeah!

Activity by sanntai489

Score: 30 points (ranked #3,984)
Questions: 6 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 4
Comments: 4
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 4 up votes, 4 down votes

Wall for sanntai489

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Nov 20, 2021 by neo magius
Jul 29, 2020 by melcakes
So u had two accounts going at once why’d uou try to get the other banned i still don’t think that should be called nudity nobody wears clothes on their face the rest is a silloutte
Apr 9, 2020 by Dyla N
Gone, reduced to atoms
Mar 30, 2020 by SpillThePolteageist
Mar 30, 2020 by iloveflareon
unfortunate does not begin
Mar 28, 2020 by fwoofyy
Stop being silly about the ms misty nonsense. And don't go telling mods to ban people. You tell us politely and calmly of you think there is an issue, and then we take it from there
Mar 27, 2020 by PX
Ah sounds cool
Mar 26, 2020 by Dyla N
What’s a room hack?
Mar 26, 2020 by Dyla N
I agree spamming is wrong but yoy can’t just go bh what a youtuber says
Mar 26, 2020 by Dyla N