PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User potato_raichu

Member for: 12 years (since Nov 23, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Boy
Country: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Favorite Pokémon: (In no particular order): Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Gardevoir, Gallade, Latias, Umbreon, Mudkip, Charizard, Vivillon, Bidoof, and Lugia.
Friend Codes: White 2: 4728 9228 3471
3DS: 5343 8545 6852
About me: I'm just an avid Pokémon trainer who's had experience in several games, and I play for fun among my friends (with a competitive edge that I picked up from XENON3120 on YouTube).  I have played these games:
Pokémon Blue
Pokémon Yellow
Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium 2
Pokémon Crystal
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
Pokémon Sapphire
Pokémon Emerald
Pokémon FireRed
Pokémon LeafGreen
Pokémon Platinum
Pokémon HeartGold
Pokémon SoulSilver
Pokémon White
Pokémon White 2
Pokémon Y

Activity by potato_raichu

Score: 60 points (ranked #1,884)
Questions: 5 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 7
Comments: 10
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 6 up votes, 3 down votes

Wall for potato_raichu

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I find it funny that all 3 downvotes are from the same answer XD
Dec 12, 2014 by a creepy stalker